Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Adam Hume

Date submitted
23 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to this ScottishPower renewables planning application for the following reasons, The destruction and damage of the local area, including an AONB. This covers a substantial area of footpaths and farm land that used by a large part of the community. It will disrupt and prevent use of a recognised Long Distance walking route ( The Sandlings Walk). As a result of the work being conducted I believe that the disruption will adversely affect tourism, which will have a negative impact on the local economy and community. This could affect the area for 12 to 15 years if all 7 energy projects are approved. It will require the loss of hedgerows and woodland areas, affecting the retention of top soil and increase the likelihood of flooding which is already an issue on access roads. The Thorpeness cliffs which are marked for landing cables are already fragile and suffering from erosion, resulting in the death a male in 2017. The cables will only make matters worse. There will be a massive impact on the local wildlife including Red Deer, which will destroy their habitats and force a culling or relocate with devastating consequences. Their will be an impact on the local and migrating birdlife, such as Nightjars, Marsh Harriers and Bitterns which will be forced to relocate. Threat to reptiles such as slow worms and adders, which are already being moved in Kenton Hills. All of the above will affect the local economy. There will be such an increase in traffic that it will hamper emergency services access. There will be an increase in noise and light pollution as well. This part of Suffolk is renowned for its peace, tranquility and it's Dark skies. In the event of an incedent at the Nuclear power station, evacuation could be hampered. The cables, substations and the vehicles used will cause issues on the local road infastructure Some of the cables and therfore work takes place very close to residential areas cause disruption. If there a large influx of workers and families this will have a massive affect on the local schools, doctors etc which are already running at capacity.