Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Mr Feetham

Date submitted
24 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs, Re: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE I object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application for the following reasons: This part of East Suffolk depends very heavily on its tourist industry. Apart from farming there is no other industry in the area which provides a substantial source of income and employment. Visitors come to enjoy the unspoilt countryside. The extended construction period of up to 15 years together with the end result, massive industrial facilities covering huge areas of previously unspoilt land, would so degrade the landscape that current and potential tourists would be permanently deterred from visiting. The knock-on destruction of businesses involved in tourism and the resultant loss of jobs and income would turn this part of the county into a deprived and economically depressed area. At a time when the urgency of reviving depressed parts of the country has become a political priority it cannot make sense to do the opposite. In purely logistical terms the existing infrastructure of the area is incapable of withstanding a construction project of the nature proposed. The local road network is not capable of coping with the number and weight of the HGVs which will be needed to carry out the project. The likely figure of 150 construction vehicles a day is simply unsustainable both in terms of safety for other road users and the ability of the roads to withstand such heavy use. There is simply no logic in developing renewable power sources, which we are all in favour of, if the benefit of so doing is cancelled out by massive environmental destruction in delivering the energy. Yours faithfully, Piers Feetham