Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Tim Rowan-Robinson

Date submitted
24 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

RE: EAST ANGLIA ONE NORTH Whilst being supportive on the development of offshore wind farms, I strongly object to this application from Scottish Power Renewables for the following reasons: 1. The cumulative effect of all the energy projects being planned in the area over the next 12 years has not been adequately considered. 2. The destruction of wonderful countryside (some in the AONB), wildlife and ancient woodland is totally unacceptable. 3. Alternative strategies and locations, albeit at additional cost, for linking to the grid have not being adequately considered. 4. The effect on the local economy through reduced tourism would be fatal to many businesses and jobs. The area is dependent on the tourist economy. See The Suffolk Coast DMO research. 5. Air, noise and light pollution in an area known for its dark skies, tranquillity and fresh air. The Suffolk Coast is the antithesis of an industrial area and its economy is built on this strength. 6. The risk to the village of Thorpeness through the undermining of the cliffs and the extent of development in a very small village. 7. The road network is totally inadequate for these projects. This applies to the A12 and all roads that would access the development sites. I object most strongly to the way developers are making individual applications for their projects without addressing the cumulative effect on an area which is currently dependent on the assets which these developments would destroy. The Government should agree a new energy strategy to meet the country's needs for the next 50 years. Offshore wind may, rightly, play a major role in this but the economic argument should not be biased by using the cheapest way of linking to the grid. Consideration should certainly be given to the development of a network under the sea to link different projects and bring the power back to a location much more suitable than Thorpeness/Friston.