Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Gabriel R O Lange

Date submitted
24 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Examining Authority at the Planning Inspectorate, Re: East Anglia One North: While supporting the principle of renewable energy, I am apalled at this Scottish Power Renewables planning application and wish strongly to object for the following reasons: - A process of up to 7 mooted energy projects in this area would have a serious and very negative impact on local communities and must not be allowed to start. - The proposed cable trenches would destroy environmentally sensitive areas, threaten wildlife and destroy important woodland. In addition, homes near trenches and haul roads would be seriously affected. - The proposed huge substation at Friston would destroy the countryside there and be an apalling imposition on the residents. - If this work goes ahead, light and noise pollution will impinge severely on Suffolk's rural tranquillity. -Footpaths and other public rights of way used by the community would be closed. Altogether this is a VERY BAD IDEA, as we, Suffolk residents, have been trying to point out for months. Please do not allow this to go forward. There MUST be alternative solutions which are better for the environment and better for people. Yours sincerely, G R O Lange ( Lange-Kent ) ( Mrs )