Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Nicky Corbett

Date submitted
24 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Good afternoon It is with great sadness that I see plans to decimate an area I have lived and grown up in all my life. I understand the need for renewable energy but I am at pains to understand why the future of our energy needs in the UK is falling largely in the lap of this tiny corner of east Suffolk. The prospect of the turmoil from the combination of wind farm, nuclear expansion and interconnectors from the continent will all be forced onto this coastal community which relies on tourism and its natural beauty for a large a lion’s share of our economy. At a time when we are losing species daily, we should be guarding our habitat not destroying it. We have seen the effect to the landscape of the cable route from Bawdsey to Bramford and do not understand why this cannot be the route for the two new wind farms. This kind of wholesale trashing of the countryside would through ancient woodland west of Thorpeness. The combined traffic for all these major infrastructure projects will make living in and visiting this area uncomfortable, noisy, dirty and congested. It is our own precious East Suffolk and that’s why people love it so much. Please respect our home. To add to this, the coastline between Thorpeness and Sizewell is a fragile one. The last 50 years have seen great changes to the beach landscape and it is bewildering to understand why it is deemed suitable for the onshore cable route. I do not live in Friston but I understand the light and noise pollution this scheme will have on the village. There are many individual properties that will be changed forever. Making living in some untenable. It is therefore without any hesitation, that I am contacting you to raise my objection to this scheme. I speak for many people when I ask for PINs to give this application extra careful consideration. At what cost to our Suffolk countryside and our way of life will the proliferation of wind farms in the North Sea turn out to be? There has to be a better solution.