Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Peter Pledger

Date submitted
24 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Whilst I am very much in favour of wind farms, and other forms of renewable energy, I object to the onshore element of this Scottish Power Renewables planning application. • It seems to be completely wrong to locate such a massive substation (really an industrial site) in such close proximity to human habitation. It will extend almost up to Friston village church. • Many people have chosen to live in this beautiful area of Suffolk in order to enjoy the peace, tranquillity and landscape which will be destroyed if this project, in its current form, goes ahead. • The visual, noise and light pollution will have a huge impact on Friston for both residents and visitors, affecting their physical and mental wellbeing. • The increased traffic along narrow, twisting country roads will have a detrimental impact in and around Friston and in the areas adjacent to the cable corridor during construction, resulting in increased road traffic accidents, air pollution and noise. • The economy of the area relies on tourism, the proposed onshore development will cause serious damage to this industry and result in job losses. • Friston already has serious flood problems, this proposal will only increase the risk. Scottish Power Renewables have not adequately addressed the issue. • There will be a detrimental impact on the wildlife and wildflowers in the area to the north of Friston and along the cable corridor from the coast, loss of habitat, light and noise pollution. • The 9km cable route, with all its problems of disruption and ecological damage, would be unnecessary if the substation was located near to the landfall.