Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by John Vandenberghe

Date submitted
24 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Examining Authority Re East Anglia North One and Two I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application for the following reasons 1 Like many of our neighbours here in Aldringham we are very concerned by the proposal of Scottish Power to build two(and eventually possibly more) electrical substations in this area of Suffolk. The size of the substations would dominate and be much too close to the peaceful village of Friston with an adverse impact on property prices there. 2 Recently our local roads have been very badly affected by heavy rainfall and this further impact will not improve the matter. Our local small roads are totally unsuitable for the increased traffic of HGVs and transport equipment required for such a project. 11km of cable trenches would destroy our countryside and wildlife ,take years to complete and will seriously affect the local economy and tourism which (especially in Thorpeness) is a popular holiday destination 3 We have all seen how some coastal regions a little further north in this Heritage Coast have been lost to the sea and are alarmed that further incursions could seriously damage villages like Thorpeness, Aldringham , Knodishall and Friston which have little protection from flooding. 4 There are other concerns like the destruction of ancient woodlands and wildlife of which I am sure you will be aware and which concur with the other great debate of the day – climate change. We trust these and other objections will be given due consideration and aid in the rejection of Scottish Power application. END