Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Michael Pritt

Date submitted
25 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Examining Authority Re East Anglia North One I wish to object to this Scottish Power renewables planning application for the following reasons: - The cumulative effect on local communities and local businesses, especially those involved in tourism, of up to 7 projects occurring consecutively over 12 to 15 years will be nothing short of devastating - The landing point for the cables coming ashore is unsuitable. The cliffs at Thorpeness are fragile and the site chosen at Friston is unspoilt countryside and not suitable for a project of this size - The trenches carrying the cables from the coast to Friston destroy environmentally sensitive areas - In this moment of time when the need to support wildlife rather than destroy wildlife this project ticks all the wrong boxes, by endangering and destroying ancient woodland and heathland. We should be looking to conserve these fragile areas and to save the wild life which are dependant on them - The local network of roads which will be used by project traffic is not capable of coping with the heavy trucks and plant - There are better ways of managing this with destroying so much of what is know as the Heritage Coast. Cooperation between the energy companies involved and the creation of a ring main into which the projects and others to follow could connect would alleviate much of the wanton destruction caused by the lack of planning.