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Representation by Mike Lewis

Date submitted
25 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Examining Authority , I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) planning application for the following reasons:- I support all the points made by the SASES group and Friston Parish Council. Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over 12 - 15 years. Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for substation complexes the size of Wembley stadium. These buildings being close to and dominating the whole village, with many large structures, access points and haul roads dominating the whole village. Some being feet - not yards - from residential property. The local road network being unsuitable for heavy traffic and HGVs, during and after the construction process. The result will endanger motorists,cyclists and pedestrians. This will also hamper the movement of emergency vehicles and also the normal work of refuse collection, public transport and delivery and collection services. Insufficient consideration of National security issues including any existing nuclear evacuation plans. Macro and micro economic issues - As far as the former is concerned it is probably outside the remit of this examining Authority as decisions will be made at Government level. The latter is of great relevance locally. The main economy of Friston is tourism which generates wealth and employment for other business's and trades people. Tourists will not visit Friston if it has been converted into an industrial landscape. Residential properties - house buyers will not be attracted if the equity of properties is heading downwards - a process which is already happening. Flooding - Scottish Power's proposal to mitigate the effect of increased flooding which they admit their proposals will exacerbate are inadequate, simplistic and misguided. SPR promised at a local meeting, to undertake a survey which the later retracted by letter. Unless and until an independent hydrological survey is undertaken at Friston a disaster looms. Indeed it is my personal opinion that SPR could not have chosen a worse location for their substations if they had tried. Verges - In SPR's book of reference my address is noted in respect of the road verges of my property - I have not been consulted by SPR on this matter so I must object to this to protect my interest