Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Sarah Gammon

Date submitted
25 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Landscape I have known and loved the Suffolk Coast all my life, particularly enjoying the nature, landscape and the very special character that visitors come to the Suffolk Coast to enjoy. I have huge concern that there is no understanding or even awareness of the irreparable impact that the proposed windfarm will have on this area. Human Impact I am unable to understand how the proposed volume of traffic is going to navigate along the A1094 along the Saxmundham Road. The increased haulage traffic will have to navigate past the Aldeburgh Golf club where both children and the elderly cross the already very busy road in order to access the nine hole golf course. Going into town, the zebra crossing at the roundabout is used by children going to school, this heavy works traffic is going to mean dangerously high levels of pollution which should not be allowed. Heritage Aldeburgh and the surrounding area has a unique relevance with regard to the culture from the music festival, the wide stretches of valuable AONB which is home to important areas for wildlife and birdlife. I fear that the proposed plans will result in a serious decline in the area as there will be a reduction in the number of tourists and holiday makers visiting the area.