Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Julia Wheeler

Date submitted
25 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I support the PINS representations made by Friston Parish Council and SASES (Substation Action – Save East Suffolk) and reserve the right to be allowed to comment on all or any of the points they have raised to which I have contributed. I strongly object to approval of the DCO application on the following grounds: 1 NOISE General: The proposed noise rating level of Industrial Noise is unacceptable for this peaceful location, village and local community. It will have a seriously adverse impact on residents and visitors. The current noise information from SPR is overly optimistic in their favour and must be questioned. 2 NOISE Tonal: The statement that the substation will not be tonal is unjustified by the inadequate evidence provided. 3 SUBSTATION DESIGN: The proposed design of the substations is NOT low impact and there are seemingly much improved lower impact designs, producing less noise too, which should be considered. 4 VISUAL IMPACT & HERITAGE: The proposal will have a huge intrusive visual and environmental impact on the rural setting of Friston Village which is surrounded by farmland, woodland and listed properties. The constructions (planned to be on rising ground) will be of massive detriment to the viability of the community and will adversely conflict with the requirements of NPS EN1, EN3 and EN5. SPR visualisations/viewpoints are misleading and inaccurate. 5 TRAFFIC: Unacceptable traffic on roads and narrow/single track lanes, bridges in this area which are not designed to cope with the massive levels of traffic the project will bring with it, even less so when other proposed builds, euro link, Nautilus, Sizewell C are taken into consideration. Particular concern re traffic on B1121 through Friston village. Also there are concerns over the evacuation plan for Sizewell B which with so much traffic congestion will be impossible to carry out. 6 CABLE ROUTE: Massive tracts of good agricultural land and woodland destroyed, noise, traffic congestion, visual impact, access, wildlife and habitat destroyed, loss of Rights of Way, general destruction and devastation over a vast area. 7 RIGHTS OF WAY: There will be a permanent loss of Rights of Ways which are well used in our peaceful rural environment. Some rerouting is planned but will be unacceptably close to the proposed new structures. Many paths will be closed or diverted on a long term basis during construction and could well stay closed – a great loss to residents and visitors. 8 WILD LIFE: Destruction of all wildlife habitats in and around constructions areas 9 GRID CONNECTION: The guidance given to SPR by National Grid to connect at Sizewell is seriously questionable, ill thought out and lacking in consultation 10 SOCIO-ECONOMIC & HEALTH: Housing market in Friston is already adversely affected by SPR proposals with no consideration for residents/home owners and no mitigation. There will be a loss of revenue, loss of jobs, pollution, anxiety, disturbance, financial loss, decline in tourism and decline in the popularity of Friston with losses being sustained on properties. 11 NATIONAL GRID: Expansion to construct an energy hub based on the substation should be the subject of its own NSIP 12 SUSTAINABILIY: The project is neither Sustainable nor Green, it will destroy large areas of farmland, woodland, seashore unnecessarily. The project could all be part of a brown land development linked with existing substations. 13 FLOODING: There is an increased risk which SPR acknowledge but have not mitigated. Julia Wheeler, Friston