Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Dorothy Baxter

Date submitted
25 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I agree with all objections put forward by East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council. My own personal objections are -: 1. Desecration of the countryside. This project will overwhelm a small peaceful village, not only during construction but on a permanent basis. 2.FLOODING- Friston is prone to flooding from fields -several times in 2019. I cannot imagine what it will be like when large parts of the fields are covered in concrete.The plan to direct overflow into the ditch alongside the village green is completely inadequate and could result in a serious flood risk to Low Road, The Pub and also Grove Road. 3.Long term noise,dust and light pollution.Scottish Power have advised that security lighting will be on 24/7 resulting in damage to wildlife and nuisance to the population. 4.Damage to the tourist industry in Friston which is a place the public come for peace and quiet and to walk their dogs.Friston has many second and holiday homes which would be affected by this project.Many public footpaths will be permanently closed and the alternatives suggested by Scottish Power would go along narrow country roads with NO pavements. 5.The site is ringed by listed buildings including the Church which would be in close proximity to the development. 6.The process of choosing the site is flawed especially with regard to the National Grid. 7.The design of the development is not good.Other Sub Stations have low impact buildings, whereas this site has buildings of up to 18 metres in height- higher than the Post Mill and will be visible over a great area.