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Representation by Natasha Mann (Natasha Mann )

Date submitted
26 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This representation is submitted on behalf of the Mann Family, trading as Manor Farm, Knodishall • The Landowners collectively own and/or occupy land at Manor Farm, Knodishall, Saxmundham. • The consequence of each DCO is that SPR will be taking some of their land at Manor Farm to accommodate a temporary Haul Road and a temporary works compound, as well as requiring a permanent easement for underground cabling. • The Landowners do not object to the principle of the provision of additional off shore wind farm capacity in the North Sea but object to the taking and use of their land on the grounds that it has not been demonstrated that the public interest outweighs the impact on their holding. • The DCO provides for taking an important part of their landholding and the impact on their business will be so severe that an alternative route for the haul road, compound and cabling corridor must be found. • Without prejudice to the foregoing, SPR has failed to provide the Landowners with sufficient information, including in particular, as to likely timings for entry, field and other surface water run-off, drainage arrangements, depths of cables, capacity for continued capacity for use for the Landowners’ business, soil management during and after construction, and remedial works. This represents a failure to consult properly with and work with the owners of land affected by each DCO proposal. • The right is reserved to expand, amend and revise the objection as the DCO processes proceed.