Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Charlotte Newson

Date submitted
26 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

These plans to build massive industrial substations at Grove Wood are dangerous and damaging. They will devastate a large area of the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB, causing irreparable damage to tourism which is so vital to Suffolk’s coastal communities. Windfarm substations require huge industrial buildings and compounds. If planning is granted for Scottish Power’s Energy Hub north of Friston it would set a precedent which could threaten the Suffolk countryside. The proposed cable corridor alone would require trenching and haul roads 60m wide, running 10km from Thorpeness across the AONB through Aldringham, Knodishall and Friston. This part of Suffolk is enjoyed by well over 8 million tourists annually. It is loved and respected by those who choose to live here. These plans show a complete disregard for the towns, villages and open countryside that make the area so special and could destroy the character of this part of the Suffolk Coast for ever. They are too large in scale - 35+ acres of industrial buildings and concrete over a greenfield site in the countryside. The proposed substations will be just a few hundred metres from Friston Village, dwarfing it and villagers homes and listed property including the Grade II* listed church which dates back to the 14th century. They will be visible from all routes into the village. The complex will permanently blight Friston village, and will be detrimental to Friston residents’ quality of life and the value of their property. Disruption caused by construction will be unacceptable to residents, damaging the ecolog, environment and significantly harming the economy, impacting heavily on the tourism industry. Roads and country lanes are unsuitable to handle heavy or wide construction traffic. The proposals would be dangerous for other vehicles, cyclists and walkers using the roads. Noise, dust and light pollution will be massive during the build. Unacceptable flood risk to Friston village and residents homes from surface water proposals. There will be destruction of habitat for rare wildlife including 3 species of bat, barn owls, turtle Dove and Reptiles. It will include a long and most disruptive cable route over 10 kms long and up to 64 metres wide digging up swathes of the AONB. It will lead to loss of amenity, well used footpaths and village allotments. It will involve the digging up and closure of popular coastal footpaths including over a mile of the ‘Sandlings Walk’ between Friston and Coldfair Green. It could involve the possible closure of Thorpeness beach during cable landing. There has been poor consultation and decision making of Scottish Power Iberdrola. These plans will set a dangerous precedent allowing Scottish Power or other energy companies to build substations next to towns or within rural locations. There is suitable land closer to Sizewell, nearer to the coast and cable landfall - the energy companies must work with EDF & Magnox to find an acceptable solution that causes less damage to communities and the sensitive environment of the Suffolk Coast AONB.