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Representation by Margaret Reeve

Date submitted
26 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wholeheartedly support the representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council, in addition:- 1. My husband is the tenant farmer on the land (Redacted), proposed as the site for the SPR substations. This will remove 25% of his ability to farm. 2. Historically Friston has always had a flooding problem, 660 acres of farm land drains into and through Friston, these substations will be an environmental disaster. 3. The massive increase in traffic on small rural roads many of which are single lane, will make driving in and around Friston both difficult and dangerous. 4. We have two holiday lets in the village, one of which will overlook the cable route right outside the windows for possibly ten years. Our other holiday let has just won an award for the "Best Cottage in East Anglia". The feedback from holiday makers is always "What a great cottage in a lovely rural and unspoilt area of Suffolk". These SPR substations should be renamed "How to Ruin Someone's Business in One Ill-judged, Brainless, Monstrous Project". 5. Every aerial shot SPR show of the substations always fail to show the closeness of these substations to Friston. Is this deliberate, are they afraid to show the public that they will only be 400m from the village? 6. House prices in Friston are already starting to suffer even before a decision has been made, nobody can sell and no-one will buy. 7. At this late stage we have just discovered that our access to our fields at Church Farm which is also a Bridleway is now to be used as a pre-construction route. This has been typical of SPR handling of this project from the very start. No warning, no consultation. 8. Why has there been no joined up thinking over these projects, other countries are installing ring mains to bring energy from wind farms, why oh why can't we! Instead we are ruining huge areas of rural agricultural land and devastating the countryside and wildlife. 9. Both my husbands and my families have lived in this village for generations. WHAT A WAY FOR IT ALL TO END!