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Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Caroline Feetham

Date submitted
27 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

re planning application for EA North One: I wish to object to this planning application on the following grounds: -The deleterious impact of building the infrastructure necessary for this project which could take up to 15 years or more, affecting an already friable coastline, an AONB, and countless villages and several towns that depend in large part on Tourism and visitors for their economic survival -Associated with the above: the current state and distribution of the local road network is entirely unsuitable for the heavy duty traffic that will ensue -Great increase in Noise and Air Pollution will impact on local inhabitants, both those using their local roads and those living close by -More pressure on the local roadwork will affect the emergency services from ambulances, fire engines to any evacuation plans in the event of a Nuclear incident -the construction of an enormous substation + near the village of Friston will in effect blight the lives and properties of the local population and radiating outwards, for many miles and many years to come -Finally, the alternatives such as off shore hubs and ring mains seem to have been discarded in favour of riding roughshod over this precious part of the East Anglian countryside on grounds of cost. The cost of addressing all the carefully considered objections to this project in good faith would likely exceed the cost of implementing any offshore solutions that are currently deemed too expensive in terms of the environmental and human damage inflicted over so many years.