Cynrychiolaeth gan Caroline Linehan
- Dyddiad cyflwyno
- 27 Ionawr 2020
- Cyflwynwyd gan
- Members of the public/businesses
I object to the plans to build huge electricity substations near the good village of Friston. The substations are too big and too close to a small rural village, the development will swamp and kill the village. I understand Scottish Power has not paid attention to the objections raised during previous consultations. I learnt Scottish Power plan to dig two trenches stretching for 9km from a fragile coastline, destroying acres of ancient woodland, ANOB land and prime agricultural land and I don't think this can be right. I love the East Suffolk coast and don't want to see it spoiled. I have family and friends in the area and don't want to see their lives blighted by this development