Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Mrs Tania Russell

Date submitted
27 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: - The undesirable, cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over 12-15 years. - Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for huge substation complexes. - 11km of cable trenches destroying environmentally sensitive areas. - A Threat to wildlife and the important Sandlings Heath. - Severing of the Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB, causing problems to migrating species and severing the wildlife corridor. - Destruction of ancient woodland. - Light pollution. Suffolk's famous dark skies will be lost. - Noise pollution from a huge increase in trucks and machinery. - The huge increase in traffic on roads will pose danger to residents and cyclists. - In the event of a Nuclear incident the evacuation routes would be severely hampered. - Loss of revenue for businesses, less visitor income. leading to social and economic decline. - For Emergency services, inevitable delays which would endanger lives. - The local road networks and not wide enough or suitable for the higher traffic levels and many more HGVs. Please consider these very real concerns and dangers to the wildlife and human residents that live in this unique and diverse area of Suffolk. Yours sincerely, Mrs Tania Russell