Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Elizabeth Clark

Date submitted
27 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a local resident and member of the local community I would like to register that I am completely against Scottish Power’s “onshore “ development proposals for EA1N and EA2 wind farm projects. These projects will cause unacceptable damage and disruption to our local communities and beautiful countryside as well as the Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB. Every stage of consultation for both projects has been poorly managed; communications inadequate and misleading. The economy of the whole of the area depends largely on its touristic appeal. Which is that THERE IS NATURAL SPACE AND BEAUTY HERE and IT FUNDAMENTALLY STAYS THE SAME.(Quote heard recently on Suffolk Radio) Where better to walk and play on unspoilt beaches, rural, riverside or coastal footpaths crossing gorse and heather heath, wet lands, reed beds, and ancient forest and through RSPB reserves teeming with wildlife? Where better to play golf, tennis, sail or cycle under huge skies in open coastal countryside? To listen to Benjamin Britton overlooking the reed beds which so inspired him? The fragile yet thriving economy of the area depends largely on its unique touristic appeal unspoilt by over development of housing and industry. Tourists who currently come here for the Natural beauty and Wildlife will do so no longer. This in turn will destroy the economy Leiston currently has full employment due mostly to being a service town to this coastal and rural idyll. Fewer visitors renting holiday let cottages and houses in Thorpeness, Aldeburgh, Aldringham, Friston and in Snape will result in job losses in the letting industry, and amongst cleaners, painters, plumbers, electricians. Fewer tourists visiting hotels, shops, cafes, restaurants will result in closures and job losses. Fewer visitors to Snape Maltings and Aldeburgh Music will result in job losses.. The Economy here will collapse! There will be great unemployment where once was a thriving economy The building of the sub-station at Friston will be a blight on the village of Friston and the surrounding countryside from which it will be ever evident. The destruction of the countryside to enable cableing from landfall at Thorpeness to Friston will be devastating. The cliff at Thorpeness is proven to be unstable with a recent death caused by landslide The proposed route through Aldeburgh for the HGVs is dangerous. The junction at this 5 road roundabout is the busiest one in Aldeburgh for both vehicles and pedestrians. Importantly it is the main walking route to the Primary school. Parents, often with a pushchair as well as one or two children use this at least twice a day. Access to two supermarkets, the Fire Station, Playing Fields, a Gym, offices , Pet parlour and Community centre are also at this junction. I have known the area for 40 years and moved here 13 years ago by choice having the whole world to choose from. Please do not destroy our lives.