Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Smith Family (Smith Family)

Date submitted
27 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a family who live on the East Coast and have relatives living within the development area we are concerned about the following points: • The visual effect on the landscape and lack of mitigation to reinstate once completed • Ways of reducing the height of the scheme could be achieved especially as there are examples of substations in other parts of the country have much lower profiles. • During the construction period, peoples lives will be blighted by: increased heavy traffic on local roads which will not be able to cope with the size and number of vehicles: surrounding areas will be effected as locals and tourist traffic will have to find alternative routes; light and noise pollution from works for 24 hours a day will give residents no relief; • The economy of the area will be adversely effected as the area relies heavily on tourism. Traffic congestion and loss of landscape could severely influence visitors desire to choose this as a destination area. • The value of peoples homes will be reduced should a buyer ever want to consider buying on this long term construction site. • The stress to local people will potential put a higher burden on the local health services. The timescale of this development and the fear of other developments in the future will mean that there is no end in sight. • There is no commitment to restore woodlands, to remove haul roads or return land to its former use, the threat will therefore always be there of more development in the future. • The long term prospect for the areas effected by this development are bleak. Green energy is the way to go, but the development of the required infrastructure to support it, should be more carefully considered to take into account the local communities, infrastructures and the long term effects.