Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by June Bloomfield

Date submitted
27 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Cumulative impact The impact of 7 known energy projects to be constructed in natural, unspoilt countryside have not been assessed competently environmental and economic disaster Siting of substation in Friston defective process inappropriate development in scale and use class for a small heritage village existing severe flooding will be exacerbated destruction of open rural landscape and ancient woodland Time scale Misled by SPR about time scale originally 2yrs for cable install, now 10yrs for cable install and haul road with some land owners being asked for up to 17yrs rights. Cable corridor landing on fragile Thorpeness cliffs sited unacceptably close to residential properties without proper mitigation for noise, air, light pollution Haul Road Misled by SPR about future expansion, HOT’s now allow for passing on rights to 3rd parties in particular National Grid and have said that they will not sterilise the route way or substation site from future expansion. Compound misled on site, size and noise, dust and light pollution ill-considered 16 acre site in close proximity to place of worship and residential properties understated impact of light pollution and security management unacceptable 7am to 7pm, 6 days per week unlimited access Traffic and road usage Evaluation of the impact on the transport infrastructure poorly assessed with an unacceptable increase in HGV traffic, which ignores obvious pinch points such as exist on the A1094 at Friday Street rail bridge, Snape-Watering Hill, approaching Wadd Lane Snape and the B1069 from Black Heath Corner to Knodishall. These pinch points already cause problems for the passing of the light HGV traffic that currently use these roads. safety issues for all traffic, cars, cyclists and pedestrians, emergency vehicles, flow, management and speed Environmental effect wildlife habitats will be lost migration corridors for mammals and reptiles cut off migrating birds and endangered species under real threat use of adjacent woodlands proposed to re-site badger sets unresearched removal of hedgerows and trees footpaths and Rights of Way temporarily closed or diverted Public consultation Failure to properly consult with affected individuals and communities Neither SPR or the District Council made any attempt to check that the population were aware of the implications of the these and the forthcoming proposals. National Grid’s major involvement in the scheme with its own sub station and relocation of pylons is not noted anywhere in the DCO and had no involvement in the poorly run consultation process. This is a major failure of the DCO process and should halt procedure until proper verifiable consultation has been carried out. Blight noise, light and air pollution devaluation of properties This will be repeated along the route and in the village in perpetuity.