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Representation by Robert Brundle

Date submitted
27 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I fully support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. Cumulative Impact - The Suffolk Coast faces being blighted with not only the proposed construction of Sizewell C, but National Grid Ventures Interconnectors project. As The Crown Estate sells off more offshore land for development, will more onshore land be required on the Suffolk coast to cope with this offshore expansion, Or will the proposed land in Friston be further expanded at a later date to cope with yet more cables coming onshore? Human Impact - I have moved to Friston to retire. I don’t want my later years to be blighted with noise and light pollution, dust and poor air quality, Permanent loss of footpaths. Increased traffic volumes through a small village will have a negative impact on all the inhabitants. Landscape - the tranquility of a rural landscape and lifestyle that people have chosen to reside in, will be lost forever. To be situated on the proposed site, this project is too large, too close, too disruptive and too destructive. Land Use - As the U.K. leaves the EU, we need to be sustainable in food/meat production. Chipping away at our precious agricultural land is not the correct way forward. It is hypocritical that renewable energy sites are being developed on greenfield sites. There needs to be a clear national policy for building onshore renewable energy sites on brownfield sites only. Light pollution - massive negative effect on the tranquility of a rural landscape and lifestyle of the inhabitants. Socio Economic - much needed income from the tourism sector will affect local businesses. Flood Risk - Surface Run-off from the proposed site in Friston will exacerbate a drainage system that is already inadequate. Footpaths and Public Rights of Way - Permanent closure of a footpath. Onshore Ecology - loss of wildlife habitat on the cable route and the proposed site will have a detrimental effect on many species.