Back to list East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Colin Pagram

Date submitted
27 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Cumulative impacts of numerous energy projects have not been assessed properly The process for selecting the site was flawed Brownfield areas should be considered The cable landing on fragile cliffs at Thorpeness are unsatisfactory Failure to properly consult with the affected individuals and communities, neither SPR or the District Council made any attempt to check that the population were aware of the implications of the these and the forthcoming proposals. This is a major failure of the DCO process and should halt procedure until proper verifiable consultation has been carried out. Destruction of a large area of bio diverse area of heritage countryside when the alternative site offered needed no corridor. Tranquil, rural countryside spoilt for many years and in Friston a substation of this proportion will ruin the village for ever Evaluation of the impact on the transport infrastructure has been poorly assessed and the impact of HGVs will damage country roads National Grid’s major involvement in the scheme with its own sub station and relocation of pylons is not noted anywhere in the DCO and had no involvement in the poorly run consultation process. The damage to the agricultural and tourism industries who are both key employers in this area will be permanent and not replaced by newly created energy employment. Wildlife will be dramatically impacted; 30 acres of wildlife on the substation site, 16 acres on the compound, 9 miles of cables and adjacent “haul road” across open farmland. Migrating birds, owls, badgers, hares, deer will be displaced Noise, dust, light pollution unacceptable in rural setting These projects have not given due consideration to the area, communities, homes and ecology of the region and should therefore be reconsidered.