Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
I support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. To site a substation so close to Friston, the listed church is only 250 yards away, is appalling. This quiet village will...
Darllen mwy
Put a ring main out at sea, DO NOT destroy our coastline.
I have lived in beautiful, peaceful Friston for 14 years. With this proposed project not only will we be living far too close to a huge and ugly construction of ironmongery but we will be unable to...
Darllen mwy
I have no idea why this cabling doesn't hit shore close to Sizewell. - Thorpeness Cliffs are unstable and eroding. - Also the 7 miles of trenching will be passing through environmentally sensitive...
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I fully support the representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. While totally in favour of renewable energy I do not believe that Friston is the right place for the SPR substations for...
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I wish to register my support of all representations made by SASES (Substation Action Save East Suffolk) and by Friston Parish Council, regarding these proposals. I live in the village of Friston, and...
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First, the Energy Minister is to launch a review into the impact windfarms have onshore. Until this review is completed I would submit that it is premature and prejudicial for you to consider the SP...
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very little information has come to my attention other than that given to other towns/parishes. The first I knew about the latest submissions was on attending a council meeting about a housing...
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I would like to register my support of all representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council concerning the SPR and National Grid planning proposals. In addition I would like to outline the...
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We have lived at Clouting's Farm for 26 years. We wish to object in the strongest terms to SPR's plans to build the onshore infrastructure for its EA2 Offshore wind farm in the fields behind our...
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The following points will only consider the onshore and coastal impacts. They are simplified and not put into specific categories, with the intention that the full developed points can be submitted at...
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Firstly we support the views expressed by Friston Parish Council together with Substation Action|Save East Suffolk. Our specific concerns are as follows:- 1. The cumulative impact of all the energy...
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I am deeply concerned about current plans for renewable energy in our region on greenfield sites. I want developements to take place on brownfield sites only.
I wholly support the representations being made by both Fristin PC and SASES. I moved to Friston with my wife in September 2015. It was to be our final move as we wanted to retire to this part of...
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Darllen mwy
The proposed development of a substation relating to this project on the edge of Friston is completely inappropriate in terms of scale, safety for the local community, environmental consideration,...
Darllen mwy
I strongly disagree with the plans to build a substation on prime farmland in Friston based impact on the negative impact on the people living in and near the village and cable route, severe impact on...
Darllen mwy
I support the representations already made by SASES and by Friston Parish Council. The danger is that Britain’s reputation for being a leader in renewable offshore energy is about to be ruined by the...
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Impact on Our Community and Legacy of Scottish Power Friston Project We need sustainable energy and windfarms provide a valuable contribution to our need for power and hopefully will for generations...
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I strongly disagree with the plans to build a substation on prime farmland in Friston based impact on people living in and near the village and cable route, severe impact on landscape, wildlife and...
Darllen mwy
I wish to make comments as set out below with regard to the planning application:- 1. As a result of the recent general election and the delay of the scheme for North Norfolk the whole planning...
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I am an independent who objects to SPR plans to carve a 7km cable route from Thorpeness to Friston, and to destroy the Woodland in Friston with an unsightly Substation. The fragile coastline in...
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I object to the planning application Destruction and damage to the AONB North of Thorpeness is unjustified when alternative landfall routes are available closer to Sizewell power station inadequate...
Darllen mwy
It is impossible to believe that your proposition to destroy the beautiful area of Suffolk that has the lovely village of Friston in it, is actually a viable idea. Where on earth did this completely...
Darllen mwy
I object to the application, due to the detrimental impact the substation proposed for Friston and its related infrastructure will have on the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB and adjacent countryside as a...
Darllen mwy