Advice to Michael Wilcox
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- From
- Michael Wilcox
- Date advice given
- 19 December 2018
- Enquiry type
Enquiry from Michael Wilcox by email on 13 December 2018:
I have a few questions about registering as an Interested Party. I know the registration period is not yet open pending acceptance.
If the project is accepted (tomorrow), am I right in thinking that the registration period is likely to open within a couple of days?
I have noticed that on some NSIPs the registration period doesn't open until a few weeks after acceptance. What is the most likely timescale for this project?
Please can you tell me about registering as an Interested Party for the CHSP project by post? Does everyone who wants to do it by post have to call the phone number on the site, or can you make a printable form available online?
Will paper forms be returnable by freepost or will people have to pay for stamps?
What consideration will be given if the period of registration spans the Christmas break? Does the 28 days include bank holidays?
Do you have any examples of what the paper form looks like?
Advice given
Advice given by email on 19 December 2018:
Dear Mr Wilcox,
Thank you for your email of 13 December 2018 where you enquired about how to submit a Relevant Representation on a paper form.
As you are aware the Application was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate on the 16 November 2019. On the 14 December 2018 the Secretary of State decided that the application for the proposed Cleve Hill Solar Park satisfied the acceptance tests under section 55 of the Planning Act 2008 (PA2008) and it was accepted for Examination.
If you would like to register your views on this application we recommend that you register as an Interested Party (IP). This means that you will be invited to the Preliminary Meeting where you can ask to speak about the timetable for the Examination and other important organisational details.
Once the Examination of the application has started, as an IP, you will also then have an opportunity to provide further written evidence on any issues that concern you and will be able to speak at hearings. If registered as an IP you will be informed of the progress of the examination, and once it is concluded, you will be notified of the decision.
If you do not register as an IP there is no guarantee that your representation will be taken into account. Whilst the Examining Authority does have discretion to accept written representations even from people who have not submitted a valid relevant representation, this should not be relied upon because people who are not Interested Parties have no legal entitlement to participate.
We strongly advise that the registration process is used by all persons wishing to be involved in the examination. You can submit a Relevant Representation and request as an IP either electronically or by post. If you wish to register online you can do this through our website see link below;
If you wish to submit a Relevant Representation and register as an IP on a paper form you will need to either call the Planning Inspectorate on 0303 444 5000, or contact the Cleve Hill Case Team via the project mailbox Then a paper form containing a unique reference will be sent to you. The form askes the same questions as the online form.
If you wish to have a paper form sent to you please can you submit your let us have your address. The Planning Inspectorate does not provide a Freepost envelope.
The Relevant Representation period ends on Monday 28 January 2019.
Further information on how to get involved in the planning process, and register and become an interested party, can be found in the Planning Inspectorate’s Advice Note 8.3 available at:
Advice on participating in the examination can also be found in Advice Note 8.5 available at:
DCLG Guidance Planning Act 2008: Guidance for the examination of applications for development consent is also available at:
This guidance sets out in paragraphs 15-34 guidance on who can take part in examining the application
If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact the Cleve Hill Solar Park Case team at the project's mailbox at the following email address: