Rydym yn defnyddio rhai cwcis hanfodol i wneud i'r gwasanaeth hwn weithio.
Hoffem hefyd ddefnyddio cwcis dadansoddol fel y gallwn ddeall sut rydych yn defnyddio'r gwasanaeth a gwneud gwelliannau.
Rydych chi wedi derbyn cwcis dadansoddol. Gallwch newid eich gosodiadau cwci ar unrhyw adeg.
Rydych chi wedi gwrthod cwcis dadansoddol. Gallwch newid eich gosodiadau cwci ar unrhyw adeg.
Beta Gwasanaeth beta yw hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.
Mae'r rhestr isod yn cynnwys cofnod o gyngor a roddwyd gennym ar gyfer y prosiect hwn.
Mae dyletswydd statudol, o dan adran 51 Deddf Cynllunio 2008, ynglŷn â chais neu ddarpar gais. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cofnodi enw'r unigolyn a ofynnodd am y cyngor a'r cyngor a roddwyd. Mae'n rhaid i'r wybodaeth hon gael ei chyhoeddi.
Chwiliwch yn ôl geiriau allweddol neu enw'r unigolyn y rhoddwyd y cyngor iddo.
Yn dangos 1 i 18 o 18 o ddogfennau, gyda'r rhai mwyaf newydd yn gyntaf.
Canlyniadau fesul tudalen 25 | View 50 results per page | View 100 results per page
We are writing to express our interest in, and concerns over, this proposal. We live in the centre of Cawston and our house fronts onto the B1145, very close to the traffic. The impact of this scheme,... Darllen mwy
Dear Sir / Madam, The purpose of my email is following a recent document received through the post regarding the Vallenhall Boreas Project outlining public consultation times and deadlines regarding t... Darllen mwy
Project Update Meeting Note
Project Update Meeting and Draft Documents review
Project Update meeting
Project Update Meeting
What policing has gone on regarding Vattenfall in Norfolk during consultation in which they did not behave correctly? Project still going ahead revised plans a no relay Stations HDVC , please can you ... Darllen mwy
Norfolk Boreas Project Update Meeting
Please find attached the report we commissioned from BLB Utilities on the alternative site we suggested to Vattenfall. This was paid for with donations from the residents of Necton. It has been send d... Darllen mwy
I would like to add my name to what I believe is a growing list of people concerned with the potential adverse effects on the environment of Norfolk by the increasing amount of onshore infrastructure ... Darllen mwy
Project update meeting
This is a general question on Projects of National Importance and the Statutory Consultations that I hope you can help with, as to us people ‘on the ground’ these parts of the process are most puzzlin... Darllen mwy
There is a lot of deep mistrust of Vattenfall's reference to the standards/guidelines relating to visuals/graphics being used to 'demonstrate' the impact of the Norfolk Vanguard on shore installations... Darllen mwy
I am a member of the Necton Substations Action Group and have found your contact details from the group, as I can't find a link to register my interest with the Planning Inspectorate. I am extremel... Darllen mwy
Comments regarding the Norfolk Boreas project from the following: Tina Hicks received on 3 August 2017 Jenny Smedley 4 August 2017 Margaret Woodall 4 August 2017
It has come to my notice that the deadline for Consultation Bodies to respond to the above is 6th June. What constitutes a Consultation Body? We are a new action group set up to campaign against... Darllen mwy
Please see meeting note attached
Please see attached meeting note