
Sunnica Energy Farm

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Showing 276 to 300 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Julie Smith

    I own a property in Worlington, a beautiful village in lovely countryside. My concern is the village will disappear into industry. The country views will be spoilt.Worlington is already at threat of... Read more

  • Paul Butcher

    As both a local resident but also a in citizen I am in favour of renewables. However looking at the proposal it is simply too big for what is already an area where non residential/ commercial land is... Read more

  • Ramblers, Newmarket & District Group (Ramblers, Newmarket & District Group )

    My role as Group Footpath Secretary for the Newmarket and District Group of the Ramblers Association, (Newmarket Ramblers), enables me to write on behalf of the Suffolk Area of the organisation. We... Read more

  • Amanda Manchett

    I am objecting to the application due to my concerns for Burwell and surrounding villages loosing valuable good quality farming land for over 20 years. The UK is only 64% self sufficient in food now.... Read more

  • Benoit Herinckx

    -monstrous development in its scale with huge tentacles choking several small villages -poor consultation and no democratic debate -attempt at deceiving the public about the true purpose of the... Read more

  • Ian Rees

    1) Losing 2,500 acres of green field and productive land and then being forced as a nation to import many tens of thousands of tons of food is completely wrong. 2) As a nation we should import energy... Read more

  • Jack Leitch

    I believe that a lot of the complaints against this project are unsupported as they are almost always without reference or citation to the studies they are quoting. I think as a community we need to... Read more

  • Jen Waterfield

    This is too large for the area and will be detrimental to villager life and the natural habitat and wildlife

  • Jenna Clark

    Too large Concerns regarding site traffic through red lodge Permanent loss of potential farm land Large batteries very close to primary schools which could be very dangerous if they catch fire - only... Read more

  • Jillian Gamlin

    I am objecting to Sunnica's application on the following grounds: Burwell substation already has a number of battery storage units which are a fire risk and create a constant hum due to the fans in... Read more

  • Shannon Elizabeth Manchett

    I am concerned this is not a Green scheme because over one thousand solar panels 2.5 m high will be imported along with batteries from China, will it create more carbon in its life time than it saves?... Read more

  • Susan Chapman

    We live in Burwell on a rural farm with horse paddocks .Now we find a piece of our land is included in the link up to the sub station . We do not want the pipeline to go through our land and disturb... Read more

  • Tim Slater

    I am objecting to this application for a giant solar farm in our area. * The planned site will cover a 2,500 acre area encompassing the villages of Snailwel, Workington, Kenneth, Barton Mills, West... Read more

  • William Holt

    I am very concerned about the planned use of large battery banks in this project. Both the scale and the planned location of batteries is extremely dangerous to the local population. In the case of a... Read more

  • George Gibson

    Vast areas taken by solar farms are removing prime agricultural land from food production. The power predicted is during daylight, mostly at periods of low demand, and the battery back up is of short... Read more

  • Lina Boyd-Rochfort

    Loss of good farm land Footpaths adversely affected by construction of a Solar Farm Solar Farm too near to villages - possible danger with regard to fires. Already traffic on the road to Worlington is... Read more

  • Sally lewis

    Although I am not against solar power I am totally against the Sunnica project. It will destroy good agricultural land and because of the size I think it will totally destroy the area . Nobody feels... Read more

  • Sarah Ganiford

    This application will have a substantial impact on the village where I live and surrounding countryside, which does not seem to be in proportion to the benefits of the scheme.

  • Albert Edward Mills

    1. does it have to be Solar power, 2. why is it so large, 3. Alternative WIND power 4. the effect on the countryside and wildlife, 5. Closure of a footpath that is in constant use by dog walkers and... Read more

  • Birgitta Gaston on behalf of Betty Duncan (Betty Duncan)

    I am objecting to the Sunica Energy farm on the grounds of: 1, Taking up valuable green field sites needed for agricultural use. 2, There will be no local benefits as it is being built by Smith... Read more

  • Birgitta Gaston

    This huge project will be built on valuable agricultural land which will be needed especially now when we have left the EU. I have lived here a very long time and do not want to have a gigantic solar... Read more

  • Bridgette Scott

    *At 2,500 acres the proposed development is far too large for the area. *The proposed development will irreversibly damage valuable agricultural land, m land that the UK cannot afford to lose as we... Read more

  • Caroline Prince

    With the ever increasing need for this country to reduce it's dependence upon other countries for its food supply, it is wrong to use good agricultural land for the mounting of solar panels and... Read more

  • Christina Engelbrecht

    I strongly object to this application. My reasons and main concerns are as follows: 1. Loss of high grade agricultural farm land which is now needed more than ever to ensure the UK produces more of... Read more

  • Christopher William Henson

    Traffic passing front door, road not built for heavy /large vehicles, Why Solar, why so large, Effect on the wild life and countryside, effect of vibrations on the property