
Sunnica Energy Farm

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Showing 251 to 275 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Claire Mills

    My parents and my sister’s family moved to Worlington and Red Lodge respectively in the last six years and were assured by their solicitors that the area surrounding their houses was designated as... Read more

  • Cllr Brian Peter Harvey

    As the local District Councillor representing the Residents of Manor Ward which includes both Worlington & Freckenham Parishes and also as a resident of Worlington. My concerns are :- 1. Scale and... Read more

  • Hannah Patten

    I think this is amazing that we have finally started to think about our planet . Although I feel that there isn't enough information put out there for people to understand what solor farming means for... Read more

  • Jennifer Hall

    The size and scale of this project 20 smaller solar sites within 20 mile radius of proposed scheme 2500 acres of productive farmland lost when UK is only 64% self-sufficient in food production... Read more

  • Jill Collins

    My concerns about the Sunnica project are: 1) The size of the project and how much good agricultural land will be lost. Since leaving the EU it is even more important that we are as self sufficient as... Read more

  • John Robert Savage

    Solar Farms should not be situated on prime agricultural land. Large scale Lithium Battery storage should not be situated anywhere near residential properties. There are frequent reports of Lithium... Read more

  • John Tapster

    I live on Riverside Isleham Marina on the river Lark downstream of the proposed Sunnica East Site development. Obviously, our lodges and boats are extremely sensitive the level of the river Lark. The... Read more

  • Margaret Thompson

    I object to the Sunnica planning application to put solar panels onto prime agricultural land. In this country we are only 60 to 70% self surficient in food and import the rest which is not good for... Read more

  • Norman Ferguson

    I am objecting to this proposed Solar Farm installation mainly due to the location and sheer scale of it. Solar is supposed to be a benefit to our environment and society. How is using 2,500 acres of... Read more

  • Russell Milne

    I am objecting to this application, for these reasons: a. this development will cover approx 2,500 acres of greenfield land, which is good quality arable farmland, which will no longer be available... Read more

  • Timothy James Lawson

    I am most interested in ensuring the:- 1. Protection & safety of all those using the very major and A.11 trunk road towards Norwich, which carries huge numbers of VERY fast moving vehicles, especially... Read more

  • Joanne Elmer

    I am strongly opposed to this application for several reasons. The loss of agricultural land which could never be returned to its natural state. Disruption to wildlife. No provision for the disposal... Read more

  • John Newstead

    I would disagree to this application on the following grounds To much disparate development that is complex to link To much development near to urban areas To much development on locally productive... Read more

  • Julie Thornalley

    The sunnica proposal will mean an enormous loss of usable agricultural land. The affected villages are unsuitable for the scale of heavy goods traffic. The loss of wildlife habitat and corridors is... Read more

  • Michael Bullions

    I am opposed to the Sunnica application because it is a poor use of valuable farmland, is a project too vast and of detrimental impact to the local communities that have been in the area for hundreds... Read more

  • Robert Neil Brown

    no fire service to cope if problem use of good farm land after fourty years possible to build more houses must be brown land better suited

  • Sam Lee-Mccloud

    Failure of the consultation for our village as we were added late so we were not adequately consulted. Lack of in-person consultation. Their refusal to attend public meetings in our village. The... Read more

  • Shirley Bullions

    I believe the sunnica proposal is totally wrong for this area of rich farmland. The local communities should not be put at risk by the unknown risks concerning battery storage. The scheme is too big... Read more

  • Angela Wells

    Not against solar energy,but to cover over 2 600 plus acres ,which is fertile arable land to feed our growing population dosn't make sense at all. Why oh why dosn't the government make law that every... Read more

  • Brian Barrow

    I consider that the development is too large and some of the sites proposed will have a significant impact on the Character of the area. The southern Sunnica sites are principally within the East... Read more

  • C knight

    The loss of agricultural land

  • Cheryl Caves

    As a resident of the local area I am concerned about the loss of prime agricultural land, the impact on local wildlife, the impact on local communities through both the construction and use of the... Read more

  • David Ellis

    This so called energy farm is not only taking good farmland out of production it is far too big. It will surround many villages and cause major disruption to wildlife and peoples lives.

  • Evelyn Graham

    Loss of food producing arable land . Much more important to produce food here without the carbon imprint of importing. Huge batteries which are not guaranteed safe. Banned in other countries. Years of... Read more

  • Graham Gordon

    My Objection to Sunnica - Loss of residential amenities, The noise from the existing (small) existing battery storage is already noticeable and a constant feature despite a distance of ~1,500m from... Read more