
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 125 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Joseph Pattison

    We need solar power but not At the expense of prime agricultural land.this is more important now in view of our economic situation and the after effects of covid .We need to produce more of our own... Read more

  • Lesley Osborne

    I believe that the vast scale of this installation will destroy the rural landscape of the area forever. The two year construction period will cause such devastation to wildlife, their habitats and... Read more

  • Linda Trundley

    Size of site Proximity to small villages Battery storage, fires Detail on batteries ‘ end of life ‘ disposal

  • Mr Ray Course

    If this HAS to be Solar energy then there is plenty of unused grass space around Newmarket. That said I view Geothermal Energy as a much healthier and longer term process. Rising hot water can drive... Read more

  • Neal Entwistle

    With regards to this submission the scheme is simply too overwhelming in the rural countryside in which it is planned. The shear scale of it will convert a beautiful rural agricultural area into an... Read more

  • Richard Radcliffe

    The consultation has been wholly inadequate, failing to engage local people. The scale of the development and impact on the communities is overwhelming and the connectivity of isolated rural... Read more

  • Roy Clarke

    We have farmed land adjacent to the land in this proposal for close on 70 years. During this time we have grown a variety of crops which have always given us good yields and have been profitable even... Read more

  • Sandra Dwan

    Concerns about the safety of the battery farm and the risk of a major fire so near to Red Lodge. Loss of high grade agricultural land. Needless Investment in old technology - the decarbonisation of... Read more

  • Alan Borderick

    This application is flawed on every level. 1. There has been negligible consultation between Sunnica and the local population. Sunnica have hidden behind the coronavirus pandemic to avoid engaging... Read more

  • David Marchant

    One of the three proposed oversized battery storage sites is in close proximity to my home two primary schools and my place of work. Statistically a fire is inevitable. This is likely to result in my... Read more

  • Geraldine Ciantar

    1.The designated land is prime farming land which we need to grow our own food. This is crucial now we have left the EU 2. It will include dangerous batteries the size of apartment blocks very close... Read more

  • Josie Jennings

    I will be commenting on issues surrounding the process by which this application has been accepted and the public consultation thereof; the environmental consequences of the proposal - in terms of... Read more

  • Matt Hancock MP

    I am writing in opposition to the Sunnica project in its current form. As a local MP I and many I have spoken to have taken issue, not with the solar farm’s existence, but with the scale and proposals... Read more

  • Sarah Hill

    The scale of the plans is just to huge to contemplate, it will destroy the local area and use vital farmland. The extra capacity required at Burwell sub station is already damaging what was once a... Read more

  • Sue Shepherd

    I believe that the solar farm proposed to be built in this area will be a dangerous and un sustainable project. Contamination of farm land beyond repair. Wildlife will suffer if it is not considered.... Read more

  • Amanda Tanner

    It's just not appropriate to use prime agricultural land for solar farms. If this applications accepted there are already smaller estates wanting to piggyback onto the development. Surely there are... Read more

  • Ed Lockwood

    TOO BIG. A normal Solar Farm size is 75 to 100 acres. Sunnica’s is an Industrial Power Plant, the largest in Europe at 2,792 acres, equivalent 2,115 football pitches. INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPE. The views... Read more

  • James Moody

    I object to the size of the development engulfing countryside villages a d diminishing the local countryside feel.

  • Lewis Jackson

    Reasons why Sunnica Solar Farm should not go ahead in it's current state. It will include dangerous batteries the size of apartment blocks which have caught fire in other countries and can't be... Read more

  • Michael John Pollard

    1 The Solar farm will occupy valuable farming land 2 The area is the habitat of great Crested newts 3 It will devalue the cost of my house 4 Building it will cause lorries moving materials continually... Read more

  • Nicholas Harvey

    My representation will concentrate on a number of principles and will exclude National Policy complaints which are a major item of concern. It will cover - the applicants consultation process - the... Read more

  • Samantha Crick

    I strongly sit against the Sunnica development. My concerns are mostly regarding the size of battery storage and the proximity to the local schools and residential areas in Redlodge. I have young... Read more

  • Sarah Pike

    I have an interest in this development as it is likely to have a direct impact on me as a resident of Red Lodge, including health and safety considerations and evacuation planning in the event of an... Read more

  • Steven Purser

    I am a resident of the village of Freckenham. I object to the proposal by Sunnica to develop a solar energy facility nearby the village. I believe that the proposal is disproportionately large and... Read more

  • Andrew Beardon

    I support the scheme on local, national, and global grounds. Climate change is a much bigger threat to our lives than Covid-19, and will have a much bigger impact, including possible incursion of the... Read more