
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 76 to 100 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Kieran Coffey

    My representation as a local resident will include the following points: Environmental impact on local area (plants, animals, insects) Decommissioning and disposal of solar plant at end of life,... Read more

  • Leila Hindmarsh

    I object strongly to this application on the following grounds: - loss of valuable productive farm land - proximity to villages - size of the proposal - use of unproven and possibly unsafe new battery... Read more

  • Linda Homan

    This scheme is ill thought through. It encases 8 villages with solar. It occupies good agricultural land. It plans 50 acres (spread out) of batter storage containing lithium-Ion batteries which are... Read more

  • Margaret Gaylor

    I am concerned for the wild life and how it will effect the people living near this huge sola plant. This solar farm will harm the wild life which we have in this area. It will use the fields that we... Read more

  • Michael Adams

    Damage to the environment. Too large. Loss of countryside. Not needed. Batteries likely to catch fire and release toxic fumes. Adverse visual changes to the area. Adverse changes to the character of... Read more

  • Michael Relac

    1. I don't object to a reasonably-sized solar farm, but the proposed solar farm is far too large. Its environmental impact will be horrendous and inefficient as large cabling is required to span the... Read more

  • Michael Wallis

    It has been readily shown that Sunnica shows no regard to the views expressed by those who are resident in the villages that form part of their Sunnica Solar Farm development and that included not... Read more

  • Mrs G Thompson

    I’m totally against the size of the farm due to loss of farm land for agriculture and and the blot on the landscape.

  • Nicola Di Miscio

    An inappropriate public consultation was carried out by Sunnica. Environmental issues associated to the size of such a solarfarm. Environmental issues associated to solarfarms developed on land. Net... Read more

  • Nikki Lushington

    I wish to challenge Sunnica’s lack if consultation with local residents. I wish to challenge the issues around battery safety and responsibility and liability. I wish to challenge the green aspect of... Read more

  • Patrick Maguire

    The proposed development is too large and covers too much of the countryside. It disproportionately affects the amenity and enjoyment of the countryside for those living in and visiting this... Read more

  • Pete O'Riordan

    1 the risk of battery farm fires/explosions is too great. 2 the use of CPOs, even for NSIPs, is unfair. 3 this development will mean the loss of @3000 acres of prime agricultural land. 4 not enough... Read more

  • Philip Frost

    The scheme is far to big , it will have a to bigger impact on the sounding country side and its way of life , the land is better used as farmland . I am also concerned the glere from this amount of... Read more

  • Polly Smith

    Concern on battery storage unit safety&proximity to housing&health implications. Impact on wildlife Size of the solar farm Fire Hazard. Impact on children health with 2 primary schools here. concern... Read more

  • Roger Billings

    Total misuse of valuable arable farmland Preventing home gown products adding more imports to replace vegetable and other products not being environmentally friendly by an increase in transportation... Read more

  • Roger Osborn

    This representation concerns primarily the connection of the Sunnica project at a new Burwell substation extension. I would contend that the option 1 connection site is too close to the housing of... Read more

  • Rosalind Hamill

    I wish to make known in the strongest of terms, my objection to this proposal. Suffolk and Cambridgeshire are prime agricultural areas. We feed the nation Now we have come out of Europe, it is... Read more

  • Wicken Parish Council (Wicken Parish Council)

    Wicken Parish Council is around 10 miles away for the area. We may not need to make representation but would like to apply in case the need arises.

  • Andrew Chapman

    The main points of interests as a local tax payer are centered around:- 1) Commercial Contracts. It seems very unclear as to where liability ends up. If a national important project, if all fails does... Read more

  • Caroline Parker

    The proposed Solar Farm is huge much to large and will have an enormous effect on the country side and wildlife. This local farm land is used to grow much needed food crops.

  • Chris Bartram

    the use of Golf Links Road is unsuitable for commercial traffic, either for construction or for operational needs post construction. it is single track and well used by walkers, horse riders, and... Read more

  • Christopher Corbin

    I am resident in the Parish of Isleham, frequently walk in the local area and appreciate the local landscape. I understand our need for renewable energy but I believe that my visual amenity will be... Read more

  • Dara Gladwin

    My family and I live in West Row, Suffolk. It is our ‘forever home’ with our 2 young boys and we have been put under a lot of undue stress, uncertainty and fear with the proposed Sunnica scheme to... Read more

  • Elizabeth Sivyer

    - Proximity of site to a school and residential dwellings with a lack of safety information or evacuation plans. - Loss of agricultural land in the sunniest and therefore one of the most productive... Read more

  • Janet Clarke

    I have been involved cultivating land in the area of this proposal for 60+ years. Over this period it has produced many crops all with good returns. With so much productive land being taken for... Read more