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Representation by Michael Lyon

Date submitted
4 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed Wsibech Incinerator is within, <1m of the town centre and within close proximity to housing and 3nr schools within what is all ready a struggling and deprived area. The area sits within the a national index that measures health, education, crime, income, employment and barriers to housing and services, shows that Wisbech sits in the bottom 10 per cent nationally for four of the top eight deprivation indicators! I think the local residents fully understand the narrative that the incinerator will bring 'jobs' to the area however the area already has an abundance of unfilled jobs hence the influx of migrant workers from Eastern Europe so that is not good reasoning. It would be clearly apparent if the council and government approve this scheme that they think it acceptable and the mentality literally is to literally transport the waste from the whole of Cambridgeshire to one of the most deprived towns which is already struggling! The incinerator would cause anybody who could afford to move, to move away from the area and dissuade people who can afford to relocate not to consider this area either further impacting the decline. It would be a massive travesty and the 'final nail' in what was a once a thriving port town with grand Georgian architecture to receive this unwanted incinerator. The fact that it is even being considered is nonsensical and the governments and councils first priority should be looking at enriching deprived areas for the greater good and wealth distribution and not sending them their waste for burning!