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Representation by David Sharpe

Date submitted
6 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly oppose proposals for a mega incinerator to be built in Fenland. These proposals would involve over 300 lorry movements a day, bringing both household and commercial waste from up to a 2 hours' drive away to a mega incinerator located 500m from the largest secondary school. I am extremely worried about the health benefits, cacogenic diseases and birth defects. Those living around the proposed site, who will be bothered by the congestion, extra fumes and mess from those heavy goods vehicles. The HGVs are supposed to be strapped and covered, but every day stuff flies off the lorries that go to the other waste recycling plants in my constituency. I notice this proposal hasnt been suggested in the lovely Cotswolds, or Beautiful Sussex. Instead, it has been proposed to be built in a low wage community. No doubt the proposers aren't local to this area.