Back to list Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Representation by Christopher John pirie

Date submitted
7 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am strongly apposed to this waste burning facility, being a local resident and will be directly effected by the impact on the already poor local road network that is often at gridlock at peak times. The odour generated locally by the import of masses of filthy industrial and toxic waste that will need to be stored prior to incineration . Also I will be in the direct outfall of the proposed chimney stacks and the evidence that the filtering process does not remove toxins that will build up locally in the land and waterways has been proved at other sites that operate in the same way . This will directly effect house prices locally and make a town already struggling to better itself due to poor council funding , highways neglecting to maintain the road surfaces and local crime rates being left to soar unchecked and virtually unpoliced. Burning waste is proven to release an un justifiable volume of co2 into the atmosphere against Mwtts produced as usable energy locally so this whole idea is a step backwards for renewable energy into the dark ages . If this is allowed to go ahead it will be purely be driven by finances and not a decision based on what's right for the health and well being of locall residents . This is expected to be the biggest plant of its kind in Europe proposed in a tiny historic market town within fall out distance of locally schools and nurseries and if there where to be a catastrophic failure of filtration or a fire on site the impact would devastate our local area . Our local mp steve barclay had raised and submitted some solid points on refusing planning for this monstrosity but it seems to be getting pushed through anyway? You cannot allow this to be built based on the environmental and local health risks that are all widely publicised against other operational sites . This is a backward thinking way to deal with waste and environmental processing of waste . Best regards. Christopher John pirie