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Representation by Janet Anne Evelyn Barrett-Treen

Date submitted
8 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am strongly opposed to the proposed incinerator in Wisbech. I believe a facility of this size is wholly unsuitable for this area and think there are many key concerns that still haven’t been fully addressed, such as the impacts on health, traffic, and the environment amongst others. I live on the A47, the proposed route for the increase in traffic, this road is not suitable for the proposed 300 extra lorry’s a day, it isn’t a dual carriageway. These proposals would involve over 300 lorry movements a day, bringing both household and commercial waste from up to a 2 hours' drive away to a mega incinerator located 500m from the largest secondary school in my constituency. Wisbech is a deprived area, it needs enhancements not further downgrades. I have identified multiple flaws with the consultation, inaccurate and misleading information presented by the developer, and adverse effects from the scheme which have not been accurately reflected in the developer's consultation documentation.