Back to list Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Representation by Sara Strickle

Date submitted
10 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Please see below a number of points to support my objection to this project. - Location. We are one of the flatest, lowest areas in the country. We do not have any high rise buildings to 'hide' such an eyesore. We are a small town and this monstrosity will be seem from miles away, I cannot express how far you can see across the fens. It is also proposed to be built on land at high risk from flooding which poses a threat to watercourses, groundwater and the environment.  The RAF use this area because of how flat we are and the low rise buildings are ideal to practice dog fighting etc. Now you want to build a great big toxic chimney in the middle of it. -Tourism. Our Georgian market town with hundred of listed buildings is often used for filming shows such as David Copperfield. We have a very famous Rosefair each year that people flock to from around the East of England. Who will want to come to our town to visit, film or see the filming locations with the incinerator.  Toxins- The incinerator will emit toxins and particulate poisons into the air, water and soil. We are a farming community, produce from this area is send around the entire country. Not only will you contaminate out food but you risk affecting the farmers livelyhood. Wildlife- The Fens is a known area for migratory Wildfowl on the Wash and Wetlands which would be endangered. Emissions - It will release Over 650,000 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere, therefore will affect our ability to reduce Carbon Emissions. This should not be allowed when we have committed to reduce our emissions to prevent Global Warming. Traffic - We are not a town equipped to deal with the additional 300+ lorries per day. The A47 is a single carriageway which gets blocked regularly. (Coastal traffic, weekly accidents and of course as a farming area constant tractors and combine harvesters) Even just regular 5.30 home time creates gridlock some days. The town itself already struggles with running silt and flooding resulting in many roads here developing sink holes where the ground disappears from under the road forming large holes and causing road closures. How can we cope with so many lorries! Plus the pollution from the vehicles, it would choke our town. Noise and Light Pollution. - The site will operate 24 hours per day. Constant noise from trucks, lorries and lighting up the area with artificial light. Health - This toxic sight will be close to my house, we will be able to see it from our garden and windows. To be honest it will probably tower over us. I cannot express the stress and anxiety just the thought of this is having. Bellowing toxic smoke and fumes from the chimney. As a woman of child bearing age, I know how dangerous living here could be if I want to have a child. You are ruining our lives. I bet no-one in this group including the owner would want to live under one of these incinerators!  Devaluation of homes. - As I have stated above no one wants to live under the fumes or shadows of a mega incinerator, therefore, it is inevitable that our homes will decrease in value.