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Representation by B Males

Date submitted
11 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have a number of concerns in regard to the proposed MEGA INCINERATOR I read the following report which is of grave concern for residents health and persons in the wider communities who will be put at risk from crops grown on the many farms within distance of fall out from this proposed project:- MVV Environment Ltd have no idea what dangerous items will be on the vehicles for incineration. I had a leaflet from MVV in regard to consultation. I was appalled by the flippant item on the back MYTH busters. I find that MVV have been less than honest in regard to the downplaying of the dangers this MEGA incinerator will pose to local residents. Not just local residents but anyone eating produce from farmland which surrounds the area. I have read the report on PM2.5 from AQEG (Air Quality Expert Group) commissioned by DEFRA (Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs) Section of importance copied from report:- AQEG report 1.3.1 Health effects of PM2.5 10. The Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (COMEAP) reports Long Term Exposure to Air Pollution: Effect on Mortality (COMEAP, 2009) and The Mortality Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution in the United Kingdom (COMEAP, 2010) provide an excellent synthesis of the current evidence on the impact of particulate matter on mortality. There is clear evidence that particulate matter has a significant contributory role in human all-cause mortality and in particular in cardiopulmonary mortality. 11. PM2.5 penetrates deeply into the human respiratory system. The acute effects of particle exposure include increases in hospital admissions and premature death of the old and sick due to diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The evidence is that both PM2.5 and PM10 cause additional hospital admissions and deaths on high pollution days. Less severe effects of short-term particle exposure also occur during pollution episodes, including worsening of asthma symptoms and even a general feeling of being unwell leading to a lower level of activity. 12. Long-term exposure to particles is associated with increased levels of fatal cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, including lung cancer, which reveal themselves as increased rates of death in cities with higher concentrations of airborne particles. COMEAP (2009) expressed the view that the best estimate of the chronic health impacts of particulate matter exposure was a 6% increase in death rates per 10 µg m-3 PM2.5 concentration. As with the acute effects of particle exposure no wholly safe level has been identified. Extremely concerning report. I wrote to MVV on a number of occasions and one of the questions I asked was:- Are MVV able to supply me with a list of item by item what will be on the lorries depositing waste in this MEGA incinerator? Are MVV prepared to give a 100% guarantee that NO dangerous particles will be deposited? They never answered this question WHY? SHOCKING! maybe because they have no idea and really do not care. I live within meters of the prosed development. I retired here in 2011 from London for a more peaceful life. I purchased a lovely two bedroom bungalow and have enjoyed my life here to date. My intention was to sell the property for the funds to cover my cost should I need to go into a care home. That was until MVV Environment Ltd proposed to build this monstrosity MEGA incinerator within meters of my home. My property and neighbours properties have now been blighted by this proposal. We do not need a MEGA incinerator we should be looking to recycle not encourage waste incineration. This small market does not have the infrastructure to cope with the amount of lorries that will be descending on our town. All roads into WISBECH are single lane with soft verges along which are signs saying "THINK DON'T SINK" as there are drainage ditches running along side, which unfortunately many vehicle do end up in the ditch. We do not need these heavy goods vehicles on these types of roads one ends up in the ditch then gridlock for WISBECH. Our MP Steve Barclay and local residents have worked hard to get the railway back into this town so that local people will have better job prospects by having carbon neutral way to expanded their job opportunities in Cambridge, Norwich, Peterborough ect. This proposed MEGA incinerator puts that in jeopardy. I will take our MP Steve Barclays comments as factual not MVV’s. That MVV have decided to go ahead without consideration to the close proximity to schools and residential areas is morally questionable.