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Representation by Michael Charles Taylor

Date submitted
16 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I consider the main issues to be with the impact on the environment and pollution of the land, water and air. Also I have grave concerns with the impact it will have on the health of both the local residents and also the wildlife in the area. This country aims to remove polluting vehicles from our roads by 2030 but we are considering the construction of this monstrosity which will pump out huge quantities of pollution into our skies 24/7 which I find totally insane and unacceptable. I am aware that the proposed area will have running silt under its foundations as this is normal in this area and the thought of the highly dangerous ash and other deposits seeping into the underground system does not bear contemplation. The polluting affect of this filthy plant is something we should consider very carefully in this instance and not look back in hind sight and say "Maybe we didn't think this through properly" The thought of those fumes containing who knows what chemicals and pollutants spewing into the sky and being carried by the wind for miles is beyond horrific. No matter what you are told about scrubbers and chimneys there will be huge amounts of filth blowing over three counties, not just Wisbech. I worked at a factory for many years which had a chimney a mere 100 feet tall and cannot remember many fumes falling on the town, but it could be smelled 7 miles away in the right conditions. With the height proposed for this chimney the smell and fumes could travel as far as the lovely East Coast or even to Sandringham which should please the King on his holidays. I trust you have asked him what he thinks about this idea, especially as he is well known for his views on pollution etc. I have so far not mentioned the state of the roads in this area and how they will cope with the huge numbers of lorries using them if this plan goes ahead. One small incident now brings the A47 to a stand still for hours. Even though the developers promised the local villages would be avoided due to the narrow roads we all know these lorries will take the easiest route possible especially if theres been an accident. These have been just a few things that will affect me and my area if this silly idea should be allowed. We don't need them here in Wisbech or anywhere else in our lovely country, they are dangerous and deadly and we don't deserve to be blighted by them at all. Thank You.