Back to list Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Representation by Helana Francise Betts

Date submitted
19 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am devastated that our government has even let the planning of this project make it to this stage. My main concerns are: 1. The site will be an enormous pollutant and churn out revolting chemicals into the lungs of thousands and into the earth around it. There are 5 schools in the close vicinity of this project and it's like sending them into a coal mine. 2. The infrastructure around here is not capable of managing the current load, which is extremely light, The roads are continually breaking down and potholing, and we have regular fatal accidents. Adding millions of tons of waste in a continual heavy goods vehicle convoy will make the already clogged and damaged roads nothing but gridlock belching out diesel into what was a quiet countryside. 3. This is being proposed in the middle of a populated area. It is nothing but insane that this is even being considered. This is disastrous for those of us who were born into the country or moved to the country because of our health. Our way of life will be irrevocably changed. I wont even be able to sell my home and try and move to more countryside once that abomination is built there will be no buyers. 4. We grow a substantial amount of the country's vegetables here and they will all be affected by the substantial uptick in pollution in the area. Do you want to eat vegetables contaminated with carcinogens from the burning of waste and the churning out of gridlocked lorries? I don't. 5. This corporation and the others involved in pushing this project ahead, have disobeyed and sidestepped the law at every turn. To accept the proposal under such circumstances is to applaud the practice of large companies chucking money at the government so that people in charge can continue to profit from the degradation of the ordinary Brit's life. It is one thing to be a little out of touch, it is another to knowingly condone these corrupt behaviours and benefit from them. 6. It will be an enormous building that blats out a great swathe of sky for miles around. The plans would reflect this if any efforts had been made to make them accurate. When built to actually adhere to laws the chimney would be gigantic. 7. It will not meet the requirements to skip the planning inspectorate and be considered a large infrastructure project as it has not shown that it can manage that amount of waste. The plans obviously reflect this, however we are for some reason ignoring this. Why? 8. The smoke from this building will disburse for such a gigantic area it will effect a large amount of fenland and norfolk for miles. 9. We are supposed to be moving toward renewables and away from fossil fuels, creating less waste, and reducing pollution. Our solution? Build a bloody great rubbish burning factory. Well done UK - I can see we are taking climate change seriously. 10. I have more but I have covid and I'm angry dissapointed and terrified the government gives so little care to what actual normal people have to live through in this country that I will soon be breathing in this rubbish so that a small group of people can pat themselves on the back and make handshakes with bundles of money.