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Representation by Bradley Cox

Date submitted
15 November 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. Health implications for people working and living within Wisbech. 2. Increased traffic and congestion on roads which are already over crowded and in appalling state of repair. 3. Increased traffic on the industrial estate which is already dangerous due to the lack of lorry parking for Wisbech cold food store ! (a lorry park would be far more suited to the area) 4. No prospect for increasing the employment rate in an area with already low employment. 5. Decreased property value and future investment potentials decreased due to the undesirability brought to the area by this proposal. 6. This is a historic Georgian town! Not some huge industrial city where this would be required. 7. Impacts on businesses locally with increased congestion reducing footfall in a town already struggling to survive. 8. Increased air pollution from the addition of the transport vehicles coming to deposit waste. 9. The proposed site is within a mile of a local secondary school and college directly impacting the health and wellbeing of children in the local and surrounding areas. 10. The proposed site is within a mile of local food production plants, therefore the potential risk of increased vermin (rats/mice) is likely to drive these places to relocate to ensure hygiene standards therefor decreasing the local employment rate even further.