
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 251 to 275 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • Jane Smith

    I do not live far from the proposed incinerator. I am frankly very very worried about the impact of the incinerator on human and animal/wildlife health. Here is a recent quote: The All Party... Read more

  • Janette Neeld

    I shall register my comments when I have considered all the available information.

  • Jason hearn

    The construction of an incinerator in Wisbech is ludicrous I’m amazed it is being considered let alone planning has been submitted. 1, it will destroy the look of a market town that is already... Read more

  • Jean Goward

    I am registered so I can put my concerns of the megga incinerator and the problems it will create. There is air pollution to consider from the burning of the waste and the extra fumes that the lorries... Read more

  • Joanne Hearn

    The construction of an incinerator in Wisbech is ludicrous I’m amazed it is being considered let alone planning has been submitted. 1, it will destroy the look of a market town that is already... Read more

  • Joanne negus

    Wisbech is a small town already struggling with the amount of traffic within it and around it. Our roads are constantly crumbling and needing repair more constant lorries are only going to create more... Read more

  • Karen Grainger-Smith

    Against this plan as we moved to the area for the health of my children [redacted]. This should not be put near thier school or in this area. We already supply huge amounts of wind energy.

  • Karen Harrington

    Wisbech has problems of poverty and deprivation with a significant transient agricultural working population with, presumably, little local interest. This is possibly why it has been chosen for this... Read more

  • Kathy Dougall

    The Proposed incinerator in Wisbech Cambs. I am extremely concerned about the increased traffic pollution that will be caused by this project for Wisbech and the surrounding area, both from a personal... Read more

  • Laia Fernandez Tolos

    I will like to read the information to have a better opinion about it prior to comment.

  • Laura Bowden

    The road infrastructure is my main concern. The roads through the villages are already overused. The villages are used as a bypass for A47 and some vehicles are so large the windows shake. Cars use... Read more

  • Lisa Manning

    I am thoroughly against this project for the following reasons: Health concerns for the whole area. Traffic concerns - infrastructure isn’t good in Wisbech at the present moment anyway, this will... Read more

  • Mark Gilbert

    Traffic overload Pollution close to schools and town Road conditions

  • Martin Slough

    I have serious concerns regarding the environmental impact of this project. Potential risk of toxic fumes from the incinerator, but guaranteed impact on air quality and highways by the proposed truck... Read more

  • Michael Huntley-Chipper

    The construction of an incinerator in Wisbech is ludicrous I’m amazed it is being considered let alone planning has been submitted. 1, it will destroy the look of a market town that is already... Read more

  • Michael William Mead

    Proposal for incinerator to be built on the edge of town, next to housing, very near to a large school, poor road links and more than 300 lorry movements a day bringing up to half a million tons of... Read more

  • Mrs Sally Gibbs

    I am against the incinerator because as the crow flys it is almost in our backyard we will get any smells or fumes and it will definitely devalue our property. It is also very close as the crow flys... Read more

  • Nicholas Wakeling

    I do not back the incinerator project for the following reasons. Inadequate road network to site nationally and locally. Pollution and air quality. To close to local schools and housing. Not enough... Read more

  • Nora Bradford

    It’s too near a school

  • Patricia Huntley-Chipper

    The construction of an incinerator in Wisbech is ludicrous I’m amazed it is being considered let alone planning has been submitted. 1, it will destroy the look of a market town that is already... Read more

  • Peter Slater

    My main concerns are the amount of extra lorises on the A47 which is already over loaded and fumes from the burning of the waist.

  • Sara Dennis

    I live within walking distance of the proposed plant, if the wind direction is right I will get any fumes from the plant. My place of work is along one of the proposed access roads to the plant... Read more

  • sarah cliss

    I will be commenting once I have examined the information.

  • Sean Terrington Logan

    Traffic in and approaching Wisbech these days is becoming overloaded. Adding many many more lorries taking rubbish to the incinerator will not do our health any good in pollution from exhaust fumes... Read more

  • Shirley Rowley

    I can't understand why an incinerator of this size and impact is even being considered when it's in such close proximity to a large town with thousands of residents including young children whose... Read more