
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1 to 100 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • Adam Edgeley

    I am extremely concerned with the effect of the development on our health, especially as there is a large secondary school very close to the proposed development site

  • Adam John Fairbrother

    The impact on the small market town of Wisbech will be massive the project is completely in the wrong place next to biggest school in Fenland, The road layout for 300 + lorry movements is unable to... Read more

  • AdrianMoore

    Envonmental catastophe for the town . Pollution levels and increased traffic and pollution levels on a town that is already choked with traffic .

  • Alan Wheeldon

    I have spoken to several firms close to the incinerator site and they said that if the incinerator is built they would have to close down and move away as they run highly sterile food production... Read more

  • Alastair Kent

    The proposed incinerator will be damaging to human health, the environment and the community. It will inhibit recycling by diverting materials that could otherwise be re-used and put toxins into the... Read more

  • Alex Lane

    Worried about the traffic - its already terrible in town

  • Alexander Vale

    Strongly appose the proposition of the incinerator being built. For health, road safety, and a myriad of other reasons

  • Anne Jocelyn Wright

    I am bitterly opposed to the project and will be adding comments when I have seen all the information

  • Annegret Mabbett

    Health concerns on this project. Also too many trucks for a small town. The impact on roads are no good. Pollution will be bad esp for elderly and those with illnesses. Not good building it very close... Read more

  • Anthony Dring

    Environmental and health impacted by the incinerator, increasing traffic through an already overloaded road network

  • Antony Richardson

    Concern over the vast amount of traffic this proposal will generate.

  • April Louise Westwood

    The implications would be horrendous! The roads are so small and short and busy as it is. The road cracks and develops lots of holes already with the lorry’s at weesenham lane Wisbech never mind if... Read more

  • Benjamin Charles Carter

    This proposed project sits right amongst many food factories producing a great deal of food for the nation. This project sits very close to housing and the proposed area sits within or indeed very... Read more

  • Brian Samson

    This project is not viable due to inadequate road infrastructure and any health issues relating to it as the desired site is far too close to the town and residential areas in Wisbech. I fail to see... Read more

  • Burleigh Ibbott

    Not being ethical will give a massive degree of unhappiness due to congestion as all roads are single carriage. 300 plus Lorries per hour. Plus only 700m from a high school This should not be put in... Read more

  • Cambridgeshire County Council (Cambridgeshire County Council)

    A full Relevant Representation document covering the chapter headings in MVV's Environment Statement (ES) will be submitted by email directly to the PINS address for this project before 15th November... Read more

  • Charlotte Graham-Cameron

    The proposed Wisbech incinerator is in totally the wrong place, too near to schools and residents. It will be a huge monolith ‘pumping’ over 20million tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.... Read more

  • Chris Garner

    Main issues for me are:- the 300+ a day approx vehicle movements to feed the incinerator when operating as we are a small town without the infrastructure to cope. Pollution from the incinerator and... Read more

  • Christine May Vale

    I believe this project will be crucial in the disposal of waste that would otherwise end up in landfill. I honestly believe it will be an asset to the local environment rather than the eyesore than... Read more

  • Christopher John Finlay

    My main objection is the proposed site location and impact on our local roads and traffic. The technology is good, but the location in its proposed urban area, near a school and accessed by wholly... Read more

  • Colin Quince

    Our small market town does not have the infrastructure or the support for this project- it would be a blight on what is a traditional old market town and I feel a health risk due to environmental... Read more

  • David Forster

    This is an totally inappropriate facility for this area. Bringing refuse from the Midlands to be burnt in the middle of a town does not make sense. The road structure in this area is poor. It takes 40... Read more

  • David John Davey

    I wish to bring to your attention the total pollution that will be caused by transporting the rubbish to the incinerator from all over Norfolk along with the horrendous traffic congestion that this... Read more

  • David Peter Bragg

    The effect on local traffic will be substantial, the roads leaving Wisbech are already subject to delays and the proposed increase in lorry movements will only increase this. The proximity to local... Read more

  • Davina Green

    I will comment once I have received and digested the information, Thank you.

  • Deirdre Sturgess

    I am waiting to see further information on the proposed development.

  • Dorothy Duffy

    I don’t think putting an incinerator in a built up area is a responsible thing to do. It will be too close to homes and schools and there is real concern what the resultant fumes etc will do to our... Read more

  • Dr S Lawrence

    The road infrastructure towards Wisbech is already inadequate and would not be able to sustain increased traffic of heavy vehicles. The air, visual, and noise pollution is not in the interest of the... Read more

  • Elizabeth Oselton

    This incinerator is proposed to generate over 50 megawatts of power. Consequently, hundreds of thousands of tonnes of non-recyclable waste will be brought to Wisbech each year in order to fuel this.... Read more

  • Elizbeth Samson

    The main concern is the health of the people of Wisbech especially those in the close area ie the schools and housing estates plus the inability of our road systems to cope with the large amount of... Read more

  • Emily Thorpe

    This incinerator will bring so much traffic to the town which already struggles it takes me so long I. The morning to get around the Elm hall roundabout if this is built will bring so much more... Read more

  • Garry Monger

    The effect on the environment, soils, water and air. The adverse health effects on residents. The consequential demand on local health resources. The effects on roads and traffic flows. The negative... Read more

  • Gary Veasey

    Potential health issues due to affect on air quality. Major environment implications of such a large facility in a small Georgian town. Major increase in traffic due to all the extra lorries need, on... Read more

  • George Wilson

    I am in full support of the facility and believe it will be a major asset for Wisbech providing employment for local people both during construction and in operation, I believe the applicant has shown... Read more

  • Georgina martin

    This proposed incinerator will be harmful to my homelife, health and property value, it should be placed somewhere much more isolated than in a town, there are many new homes being built in this area,... Read more

  • Gillian Goodchild

    I am extremely concerned about the impact of the increased amount of traffic on our roads!! The infrastructure of this town is the same now as it was 50 years ago, when I was a child, and our roads... Read more

  • Glenn David Shales

    This is a non starter for anyone with a modicum of sense and decency. The local road network, A47 and the routes leading up to the proposed site are unsuitable for the current level of traffic let... Read more

  • Jan Hutchinson on behalf of Hutchinsons

    There is no dual carriageway or railway access to Wisbech. Consequently, the 400 or so HGV journeys in and out of the town every day needed to feed this plant 24/7 will have to travel via the already... Read more

  • Ian W Cooper

    The proposed incineration capacity is o longer required for the 30 year plant life. The additional cost of importing wastes to maintain the plant in operation means that the plant will be uneconomic.... Read more

  • Jacqueline Barwell

    Wisbech does not have the road infrastructure to deal with this volume of traffic. The siting of this, would be near 3 schools, an Eye Clinic & retail outlets.

  • Jacqueline Shanks

    The traffic is already way too much for such a small town. The smell will affect the air. House prices will fall and the town will become known as a tipping ground more than it already is. By agreeing... Read more

  • Jade Burns

    The project for a mega incinerator in the town of Wisbech is a farce. The road infrastructure already cannot cope with the amount of traffic we get, we’re on one of the only areas of the A47 to still... Read more

  • James Green

    Obsurd location for an incinerator.

  • Janice Sandom

    I shall comment when I have read more information.

  • jaswinder rao

    this project should not be allowed to be built in residential area as it will affect public health

  • Jayne Bridgeland

    Health issues Our roads are not capable of all the lorries coming and going. An eyesore

  • Jennifer Alison Shippey

    I object to the building of this mega incinerator in my home town as documented by the World Health Organisation- there is no safe level of particulates. The emissions from this incinerator will... Read more

  • John Prior

    Comments regarding planned infrastructure

  • Jonathan Bowman Thompson

    There are many things to say, probably too many against this project. So I'll just summarise the core points. Firstly it's going to be an absolute eyesore, just its visual presence will hurt house... Read more

  • Joyce Fry

    Putting this incinerator in a built up area will impact on the area, and people living in it. It will create pollution, and is detrimental to peoples health. These things should be built in isolated... Read more

  • Jude Sutton

    I will be examining the application and submitting my comments on all material matters plus pollution and public health. I will be opposing this application I will be considering the information... Read more

  • Julia Gale

    Increased traffic congestion. This is already a huge issue during nice weather and the Summer.mobths. Concerned by the level of contamination into the local environment and the potential effects on... Read more

  • Julia Jane McCourt

    The pollution from this plant, both from emissions and traffic is totally inappropriate for the site. It is in close proximity to residential areas including schools. The infra structure struggles to... Read more

  • Julie Ballard

    I consider the main concerns and impacts to be: - The effect of combustion energy generation on the environment, which goes against government plans for reduction of CO2 as part of climate change... Read more

  • Julie Mills

    Wisbech has been my home for 60+years and whilst it has grown and thrived in some aspects - sadly not in many others. It is the supposed 'Capital of the Fens' but little to demonstrate that fact.... Read more

  • K Lipscomb

    I am opposed to this project due to the increase in traffic, particularly lorries to the surrounding area, which already suffers from badly maintained roads and narrow country roads. The fact the... Read more

  • Karen Durrant

    The impact on people's health especially children as the proposed site is not far from schools and homes. The affect on air quality. The size of the project in a small town. The increased traffic on... Read more

  • Kevin Durham

    Wisbech is a clean environment and needs and deserves to remain so . Our roads will not cope with the amount of extra traffic from this incinerator.

  • Linda Mary Seagroatt

    Based on existing installations and the issues arising from those, the fallout on the local town, farmland and a wide area could have significant health risks, not just from the plant itself, but from... Read more

  • Linda Pollard

    This is far too close to housing, schooling and there is far more suitable sites than this . It’s within walking distance of town hospital eye clinic etc,

  • Lisa Anne Green

    This is too big a project in such a small community. It does not benefit the area as it will not bring jobs or new transport links which the area badly needs. It is too close to a secondary school and... Read more

  • Lisa Corbett

    Air quality will be affected and as someone who suffers with their lungs it will be a detriment to me. Roads will be clogged up even more with various lorries throughout the day. Where I live now it... Read more

  • Lorrain Symons

    It will be devastating to the residents of Wisbech and surrounding area, the envioromental impact will be disastrous the air and soil will be contaminated

  • Louise Gratton

    1. The location is very close to residential areas with a school in very close proximity (200m). I am concerned of the impact of pollution/emissions to health for local residents and for wildlife.... Read more

  • Louise Tombleson

    I have lived in Wisbech for over 30 years and I have seen traffic continue to grow. Most of the time now the town is very, very busy with traffic and I do not think that to have an incinerator... Read more

  • Lynda Green

    My main concerns are it is too big for the local infrastructure are roads are badly overloaded now and in poor condition .The local school is nearby and housing estates and is going to have such... Read more

  • Marcus Aspden

    The consultation period has not followed guidance and rules and not answered all questions raised. I feel MVV have proposed a large facility to ‘by pass’ local planning laws and apply for consent... Read more

  • Mark Andrew parker

    This is the worst thing for the people of Wisbech not enough roads to couple with the extra volume of traffic or the air quality being in a food production area

  • Martin John Buckley

    This development is in the wrong place (too close to a school, eye clinic,etc.) and with limited access. The road infrastructure does not exist to support the extra hgv movements required to feed this... Read more

  • Martin Woollard

    I have to wholeheartedly disagree with this project. The local area of Wisbech does not have the infrastructure to accommodate the additional traffic etc. Even worse than this is the effect it will... Read more

  • Maurice Peter Wright IEng MIED (retired structural engineer)

    I object most strongly to the construction of this mega-incinerator. This development will have a major negative impact on the health and safety of the town's population, the local environment and... Read more

  • Michael Lyon

    The proposed Wsibech Incinerator is within, <1m of the town centre and within close proximity to housing and 3nr schools within what is all ready a struggling and deprived area. The area sits... Read more

  • Michael Marriott

    This incinerator is to be located just off the A47 Wisbech bypass road. This section of the A47 has been unfit for it's traffic flow for many years now and gets worse year on year. Currently it is... Read more

  • nicholas John Thorpe

    this will make wisbech even more of an eyesore with pollution from chimney and added traffic make weasenham lane area even more congested, aleady a pain with school being directly opposite main... Read more

  • Nicola Ann Sutheran

    Impact on Environment and Health - Toxic Particulate Emissions from The Infrastructure and Emissions from Vehicles Movements. Infrastructure close to public amenities, schools and housing. Lose of... Read more

  • Nigel Hutton

    Recent research shows that one of the causes of Lung cancer in non-smokers are PM2.5 particles. Of vital significance is that one of the primary sources of PM2.5 particles are incinerators as these... Read more

  • Optimum Packaging Limited (Optimum Packaging Limited)


  • Paul Edward Eden

    So far as I am aware, there is no plan to offset the facility’s carbon emissions. Ensuring carbon-neutral operations for any new infrastructure is imperative. The idea that infrastructure with a... Read more

  • Paul Reachill

    I am extremely against the pollution that this monstrosity will create and the obvious traffic congestion in Wisbech.

  • Peter goodchild

    This will be no good here as our roads can’t take the traffic they can’t cope now

  • Peter Human

    Our Road are not suitable for the increase in traffic. The incinerator will be near a hospital and a school. Both China and Australia are against incinerator being built in farming areas due to... Read more

  • Philip Cooper

    A small town with bad roads. How anyone would build a incinerator right next to several schools. Contamination of good farming land many more reasons not to have it here which will coment on at a... Read more

  • R Burry

    As a concerned local resident, who will be directly affected by this proposed project. I reserve the right to comment on the application at a later date

  • Rhiannon Brittain

    I am concerned about the impact of traffic in the locality, the roads into town suffer significant traffic throughout the morning and afternoon rush which will be exacerbated by the traffic flow to... Read more

  • Richard Bell

    my issues i have are as follows, The road infrastructure will not cope with the extra traffic on the roads, for example take a lorry down algores way at peak times between 1600 hrs and 1800 hrs which... Read more

  • Richard David Clarke

    I am very concerned about the amount of extra lorry traffic that will congest the areas roads. I was brought up down weasenham lane and have seen Boleness road/Algores way and this area get worse and... Read more

  • Roberta Reilly

    I cannot see this scheme being a success either commercially or environmentally. Bringing waste to Wisbech to burn it will cause traffic congestion and air pollution. I don't believe the planned... Read more

  • Roland Fry

    The planned site is not suitable. The road infrastructure would not cope with the amount of lorries going to and from the plant. Also the plant is to near the centre of a major town and surrounding... Read more

  • Rosie Guest

    As an individual who lives close to where the plans for the incinerator are going I feel extremely worried and frustrated about the plans. I believe that it will increase the amount of traffic going... Read more

  • Roy Henry Claxton

    Congestion caused by increasing vehicles using already inadequate roads.Both air and noise pollution.

  • Sandra Willatt

    Inadequate and disingenuous consultation. Proposed site close to schools, residential areas and health facility. Excess lorry movements on inadequate road infrastructure. Generation targets unlikely... Read more

  • Sara Rolfe

    I will provide further comment once I have seen the information

  • Shirley Carter

    This is in the wrong location, close to schools, shops and food factories, roads will not be able to cope with the extra heavy lorries coming and leaving site, country side is being destroyed

  • Simon Clarke

    the incinerator is supposed to generate over 50 megawatts of power, meaning hundreds of thousands of tonnes of non-recyclable municipal and commercial and industrial waste will be brought to Wisbech... Read more

  • Simon Ridgewell

    I live on[] every day I see traffic backed up from Churchill road traffic lights ,the road has been repaired so many times .Everyday I see the a47 cars ,lorry's all backed at elm road round about and... Read more

  • Stella Richardson

    I am most concerned about the inevitable air pollution from this site.

  • Stephanie Lee

    This is being built down the road from my child’s school, these children will be walking down the roads these vehicles will be travelling. The town cannot cope with more vehicles, one accident and the... Read more

  • Tony Clee

    The proposed project will vastly increase HGV traffic used to supply waste and take away bottom and fly ash on a road infrastructure clearly unable to support it and often subject to road closures. It... Read more

  • Trevor Wright

    I reserve my comments until I have received all the information on the application

  • Alderman Payne Primary school (Alderman Payne Primary school)

    When they leave, the children at my school attend the secondary school in Wisbech which is next to the proposed incinerator. This is not good for childrens health (E.g. increased traffic fumes)