
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 301 to 325 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • Susan Joy Crown

    The proposed site is far too close to homes, schools and businesses. The increased traffic will overpower our infra structure. The air pollution has yet to be proven to be beneficial to the population... Read more

  • wayne clarke cowling

    How will access be gained to the site? will the use of trains be considered for transport of waste? will there be a new roundabout needed on the A47 What quantity of ash will be produced from the... Read more

  • Alan Sacre

    the proposed site for the incinerator is on the main A 47 it will cause even more disruption to the already over crowed A 47 . gridlock at busy times road surface will crack up and we have enough... Read more

  • Barry Toovey

    I will be commenting once I have examined the information.

  • Beatrice White

    Registration comments Incineration is a Thermo-decompositon process where the components present in the waste stream are ionised into the harmless elements at a higher temperature in the presence of... Read more

  • Carol Toovey

    I will be commenting once I have examined the information.

  • Christopher John Calver

    I am an []. I live a mile or so downwind of the proposed facility.

  • Colin Brown

    The project should not be authorised, the incinerator would introduce to many lorry’s onto local roads near a school putting pupils at risk, the project would attract rats and produce air pollution at... Read more

  • Diana Mutimer

    In no particular order of importance, and list is incomplete. Further comments will be submitted: Visual impact Air quality deterioration Highways problems and pollution Environmental damage due to... Read more

  • John Harrison

    Wisbech is not a suitable site for this facility. The roads already struggle to cope with the existing traffic levels and do not have the capacity for extra vehicles which this facility will require.... Read more


    The location of this incinerator is wholly inappropriate. Its presence will further degrade the living conditions of local residents in what is already a highly deprived area of East Anglia and the... Read more

  • Lisa Toovey

    I will be commenting once I have examined the information

  • Maureen Robertson

    I strongly object to this enormous incinerator will burn 625,000 tonnes of household waste per year and will generate 25 million tonnes of carbon dioxide in its lifetime. The waste would be delivered... Read more

  • Mellody Patricia Bray

    [redacted] . My husband looks after me day and night. We are both retired so live locally most times of the year. Any disruption to my living standards because of degeneration of the quality of air... Read more

  • Stephen Hurst

    Traffic congestion and too close to school etc

  • Trevor Gilbert

    Shocked and dismayed that you are even looking at this horrendous proposal!

  • Andrea Louisa French

    Assessment of impact to local health, infrastructure and services as well as location of proposed facility

  • Astrid Allott

    I am strongly apposed to the proposed incinerator in Wisbech. A facility of this size is totally unsuitable for this area which is an important agricultural area. Also I think there are many key... Read more

  • Lorraine Beakhouse on behalf of Beakhouse (Beakhouse)

    We do not want the infrastructure of our Georgian Market town to be tarnished by the proposed incinerator in our town. We do not want to be subjected to dangerous chemicals in the atmosphere or to be... Read more

  • Beata

    I do not agree, the polution slowly will kill by day...I and my family will need to find other place to live.

  • Beverley Hulme

    Too large a facility to be positioned in such a small town. The waste will not be locally sourced and therefore must be transported in. The roads are not suitable for the proposed number of lorries... Read more

  • Brodie Kyle Corbett

    I would like to register that I am against this planning application on several grounds. 1) Air pollution. Not only are we having pollution from the actual incinerator but also from the extra... Read more

  • Bruce Braithwaite

    The case for an EfW facility in Wisbech.

  • Councillor Alexandra Kemp (Borough of King's Lynn and West Norfolk) (Councillor Alexandra Kemp (Borough of King's Lynn and West Norfolk))

    As the County Councillor for Clenchwarton and King's Lynn South, I object to the facility as -: 1. The incinerator is not needed as there is an oversupply of incinerators in the East of England. 2.... Read more

  • Daljit Roy

    The road systems are already clogged. When the A47 is closed traffic goes through small surrounding villages, in which there has been a number of fatalities . The incinerator will also cause land... Read more