
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 501 to 525 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • Maureen Ann Stewart

    I am strongly opposed to the proposed incinerator in Wisbech, which is totally unsuitable for this area. It is cause for serious concern that the proposals would involve over 300 lorry movements per... Read more

  • The Bramley Line Heritage Railway Trust (The Bramley Line Heritage Railway Trust)

    Point 1. We consider that the investigative reports into traffic flows in Wisbech, and on main roads towards Wisbech, are significantly flawed. Gridlock in the areas approaching the proposed... Read more

  • Wendy Anne Galley

    Pollution from extra vehicles and from the incinerator itself. Not the right area for an incinerator.Damage to the environment and degrading the local area.

  • Angela Loynes

    As the main entry point to the East Anglia from the rest of the country the A47 already is a high congestion point. You only have to listen to any traffic report on national and local radio to hear... Read more

  • Anthony Betts

    I am against the MVV infrastructure project at the proposed site. There are no benefits to this project for me, however, there are significant concerns that would impact my daily life in the area. The... Read more

  • Bettina Croft

    Now, at[], and a [] for most of my life, I feel that the younger people of this country cannot be made to suffer the air pollution that this burning of noxious waste materials will bring to the... Read more

  • Michael Waller-Bridge

    Not very long ago following a very protracted process, another such proposal (for an incinerator at a site just outside King's Lynn) was eventually defeated and I am disappointed that a new proposal... Read more

  • Neil Halliday

    The volume of traffic this proposal will generate will further congest our already congested roads. It will only create a handful of jobs. It will create air pollution near to several schools in a... Read more

  • Rosemary Goodenough

    Not very long ago following a very protracted process, another such proposal (for an incinerator at a site just outside King's Lynn) was eventually defeated and I am disappointed that a new proposal... Read more

  • Cambian Home tree school (Cambian Home tree school )

    Object. Impact of pollution on the school children. Increased traffic and related dangers

  • James Mackle ltd (James Mackle ltd)

    I am concerned about the disruption this project will have on our business and town.

  • Nigel Elgood

    My main objection is that it is too far away from a main road or motorway which will cause havoc in the local area with all the extra lorry movements.

  • Sylvia Moore

    It will create extra traffic with lorries coming from all directions to the site,a lot of holiday traffic travel around the ring road to the coast in the summer the extra lorries going to the site... Read more

  • Terence John Moore

    My first objection concerns the increase in traffic this incinerator will generate, Wisbech is on one of the main routes to the coast and roads already get gridlocked, particularly in the summer.... Read more

  • Tracey Thulborn

    It will have a detrimental affect to the traffic congestion that is already a problem in the area where the proposed project is planned for. It will also have a negative affect on the value of... Read more

  • Valerie Macrae

    This project will not be helping to reduce our carbon footprint in this country. The amount of lorry movements will result in there being continual traffic holdups and we will not be able to travel... Read more

  • Adam Whittaker

    Dangerous particles from the incinerator will drift across Wisbech and King's Lynn, harming our environment and families with children near The Wash. It is an unacceptable location which will damage... Read more

  • Ben Aistrup

    Increased traffic mainly due from lorry's going back and forth - I believe over 300 per day. That area is already congested most of the time as the infrastructure is not there. The locality to the... Read more

  • Frances Nolan

    The Wisbech incinerator proposed is massive this would cause depression, anxiety fears for the people living next to it. People would be worrying about their health and the health of their children.... Read more

  • Jane Hill

    In addition to potential damage to the environment and unfairness about choice of location from a "levelling up" point of view, I am particularly concerned about the risk to human health from airborne... Read more

  • Janet Knight

    Increased vehicle activity by my house. The big sided lorries currently going past to get to the [] rubbish site, make lots of rattle from tin trailers. More of these 24 hours a day would be... Read more

  • John Knight

    My property faces directly onto [] and I consider that the extra traffic for 24/7 will have a severe detrimental affect on both mine and my wife's health and also cause a lack of sleep. With the... Read more

  • Lee Dalton

    Nobody wants a massive incinerator on their doorstep, it's ugly, smelly, and a huge source of CO2. However, as a nation we have a duty to deal with our own waste, rather than continue shipping it... Read more

  • Mick Howard

    Road Infrastructure.

  • Nicholas Anthony Meekins

    This plant represents a massive over provision of waste requirements in the area. It could lead to councils missing recycling targets if they have to send recyclable waste to meet contracted tonnages.... Read more