
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

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  • Kim Allen

    As a NHS [redacted] working in Wisbech, the proposed site I think it will have a seriously detrimental impact on the local community, health econony, and environment which will of course impact mental... Read more

  • Lin everett

    The impact on wisbech itself will be drastic our roads cannot cope with traffic as it is and all the lorries as if we have not got enough going thru our town as it is takes an hour from my home... Read more

  • Louise Cater

    A report done by dispatches recently concludes: Despite the cases put forward for waste incineration, the report illustrates why incineration cannot be considered a ‘green’ or low carbon source of... Read more

  • Margaret Diane Donaldson

    I strongly oppose the application of the incinerator for Wisbech. This is unsuitable for our town and area bringing many lorries in and out of Wisbech bringing waste from a distance of up to 2 hrs... Read more

  • Marie Savine

    I have grave concerns around the hundreds of thousands of tonnes of non-recyclable municipal and commercial and industrial waste being transported to this site each year. Our road infastructure... Read more


    My wife and I are very much against the Wisbech Incinerator proposal. Medically damaging compounds will drift right across the town and surrounding areas. Also the Fens do not have a suitable road... Read more

  • Michelle wright

    I'm so against this as are many in our community even our mps and mayor but yet this is happening because they couldn't get there way

  • Mr Glen Fulcher

    Will comment when we get to next stage


    The thought of this incinerator being built in the Wisbech area is absolutely devastating, the awful air pollution, the huge amount of traffic and the impact on the local community. This incinerator... Read more

  • Mrs Jeanette Townsend

    The incinerator will be too close to domestic and commercial properties It will be too close to a large local school The infrastructure cannot support the extra road traffic it would generate The... Read more

  • Nicola Ashley

    I have many concerns over the incinerator. As well as health of the local community because the incinerator is being built within a town and not somewhere unpopulated The town roads are already... Read more

  • Nicola Brundle

    This will destroy my town, why do we have to be burdened with this when other towns have prevented this happening to their town. This has only gone this far because Wisbech is classed as a poor area -... Read more

  • Patricia Stammers

    I am very concerned about this proposed development. The traffic through Wisbech is already very bad and the thought of hundreds of more lorries using our roads is unconscionable. The fact that this... Read more

  • Paul Brown

    incinerating waste will surly add to polluting the atmosphere and poor health surrounding the area. Also there is not a day goes by without poor roads and infrastructure around Wisbech being... Read more

  • Paul Lattimore

    Who in their right mind would want to build an incinerator in the middle of a town very close to a secondary school. What effect will the pollution have on farming and crops Will we get compensation... Read more

  • Paul Smith

    The proposed incinerators sighting will cause major traffic issues with the added benefits of pollution and health problems for the residents in the area it could also cause some of the food producers... Read more

  • Paul WILSON

    I will comment further once i have seen your full proposal in detail.

  • Peter Thomas Corbett

    I really am against this planned incenarator because 1) Air pollution. We live approx 2 and half miles away from the planned incenarator site. Not only smoke from the incenarator making the local area... Read more

  • Rebecca Kirk

    A development that is going to dominate and dwarf our small town. Releasing unsafe omissions near a school, residential area and onto prime agricultural land. This development will grid lock an... Read more

  • Robert Smith

    The company failed to consult properly and has not begun to explain how the road infrastructure will cope with the huge increase in HGV traffic coming from all directions. The roads in and around... Read more

  • Rt Hon Stephen Barclay MP

    I am strongly opposed to the proposed incinerator in Wisbech. I believe a facility of this size is wholly unsuitable for this area and think there are many key concerns that still haven’t been fully... Read more

  • Shane Box

    I live nearby the proposed area for the Incinerator, Main issue & impact to my neighbourhood will be traffic & smell in the area just for starters

  • South Wootton Parish Council (South Wootton Parish Council)

    South Wootton Parish Council wish to add our opposition to the proposed Incinerator to be located at Algores Way, Wisbech. We were astonished to read that the Wisbech Incinerator will be twice the... Read more

  • Stephen Holloway

    I and many of the residents of Wisbech, feel that this incinerator proposal is very ill conceived. It is as if, because Wisbech is a small town, in an area of high relative deprivation, a huge... Read more

  • Sue Hill

    I am very concerned at the scale and location of this proposed project. Wisbech is a small town with a restricted road network due to the River Nene running through it. There are only two bridges... Read more