Advice to WisWIN - Wisbech Without Incineration
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- From
- WisWIN - Wisbech Without Incineration
- Date advice given
- 20 April 2022
- Enquiry type
With regard to your response regarding the submission from MVV Medworth, whilst the company have amended the date when they propose to submit their application several times, I understand this has now moved from the “1st quarter 2022” to Easter. Given that the Planning Inspectorate are required to respond within 28 days, I suspect that MVV may submit to you on the 14th April, ie, just before Good Friday and the Easter Holidays for many families and your response time will therefore be squeezed (as MVV did during their submission in December 2019). Can you please advise whether, during that 28 day period, (whenever the submission occurs), you be visiting Wisbech to see for yourselves the impact this will have on the area? Your advice appreciated. 09/01/2022 May I have your advice please. MVV-Medworth plan to submit their application to you in this first quarter 2022. On your site, link below, it shows the current status and of the approximately 200 objections sent to MVV and copied to yourselves, only a few are shown. Can you clarify please as your stated link in July (8.1) is not currently working. Any further advice would be greatly appreciated.
Advice given
Thank you for your emails. I apologise for the delay in responding. Firstly, please note that we only reply to correspondence that is sent direct ‘to’ us. Correspondence that is copied (‘cc’) to us we keep on file. When we reply to correspondence sent directly to us there is a statutory duty, under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008, to record the advice that is given in relation to an application or a potential application, including the name of the person who requested the advice, and to make this publicly available on the relevant project page of the National Infrastructure Planning website. As you are aware the proposed Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility application is currently at the Pre-application stage of the Planning Act 2008 process. Further information about the process can be found in the link below to the National Infrastructure Planning website: For your information, the Application is due to be submitted towards the end of May 2022. The process consists of six stages: Pre-application, Acceptance, Pre-examination, Examination, Recommendation and Decision and Post-decision. Upon receipt of an application for development consent, the Planning Inspectorate has 28 days to decide whether or not to accept it for Examination. Should the application be accepted for Examination you will be able to register as an Interested Party by submitting a relevant representation. This must be submitted on the ‘Registration and Relevant Representation form’ which will be made available on the project webpage of the National Infrastructure Planning website at the appropriate time.? If an application is accepted, there is a flexible period, the Pre-examination stage, which usually lasting about three months. All parties should use this stage to prepare for the Examination stage. An Examining Authority then has up to six months to examine an application and three months to make their recommendation to the relevant Secretary of State. During Pre-examination and/or the Examination period the Examining Authority will carry out a site inspection. This can be Unaccompanied and/or Accompanied, and is up to the discretion of the Examining Authority. You may wish to read more about the Examination of an application, the hearings and site inspections in Advice Note 8.5 The Examination: hearings and site inspections. I hope you find the above information useful.