Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm Examination timetable

The examination timetable shows the dates of events and deadlines for submissions.

If you have registered to have your say, you can do this in the examination stage.

The examination stage

The examination opened on 6 February 2024

The examination is expected to close on 6 August 2024

Have your say

Upcoming deadlines and events

9 July 2024 - Deadline 5


Deadline 5

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

  • Responses to ExA’s Further Written Questions(ExQ2) (if required)
  • Comments on the RIES
  • Comments on the Applicant’s second update to the draft DCO
  • Comments on the Applicant’s second update to the Land Rights Tracker
  • Comments on ExA’s commentary on, or schedule of changes to, the draft DCO (if required)
  • Completed and Signed Statements of Common Ground
  • Final Statement of Commonality of Statements of Common Ground
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning(Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/submissions received by Deadline 4

18 July 2024 - Reserve Date for ASI2 (NO LONGER REQUIRED)

Reserve Date for ASI2 (NO LONGER REQUIRED)

23 July 2024 - Reserve Date(s)

Dates reserved (NO LONGER REQUIRED) Monday 22 July 2024 and/or Tuesday 23 July for:


1 August 2024 - Deadline 6

Deadline 6

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

  • Final Principal Areas of Disagreement Statements
  • IPs Closing Statement(s) (if desired)
  • Post-hearing submissions including written submissions of oral cases (if applicable)
  • Applicant’s Closing Statement(s)
  • Applicant’s Close of Examination Progress Tracker
  • Applicants Final National Policy Statement Tracker
  • Final draft DCO to be submitted by the Applicant in the SI template with the SI template validation report
  • Final Book of Reference (BoR) and schedule of changes to BoR
  • Completed s106 Agreements (if required)
  • Final Land Rights Tracker
  • Final Guide to the Application
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning(Examination Procedure) Rules 2010al Guide to the Application
  • Comments on any further information/submissions received by Deadline 5

6 August 2024 - Close of Examination

The ExA is under a duty to complete the Examination of the application by the end of the period of six months.

Past deadlines and events

16 January 2024 - Pre-Exam Procedural Deadline


Pre-Exam Procedural Deadline

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

  • Responses to the Rule 6 letter
  • Responses to Relevant Representations (RRs)
  • Responses (if applicable) to the Rule 9 letter of 20 September 2023
  • Summaries of all RRs exceeding 1500 words
  • Submission of Pre-examination Progress Tracker
  • Applicant’s submission of the Land Rights Tracker
  • Applicant’s submission of draft Statement of Commonality for Statements of Common Ground
  • Requests to be heard orally at the Preliminary Meeting and under which part of the agenda
  • Requests by Interested Parties to be heard orally at the Open Floor Hearing 1
  • Notification of intention to attend the Issue Specific Hearing(s) under which part of the agenda
  • Request by Interested Parties to attend Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI)
  • Suggested locations for the ASI including justification, and whether such locations can be seen from public land or requires private access, for consideration by the ExA

6 February 2024 - Preliminary Meeting


Preliminary Meeting (PM)

6 February 2024 - Open Floor Hearing


Open Floor Hearing (OFH)

7 February 2024 - Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1)


Issue Specific Hearing (ISH1)on Environmental Matters

8 February 2024 - Issue Specific Hearing (ISH1) (continued if required)


Issue Specific Hearing (ISH1)on Environmental Matters (Continued if required)

8 February 2024 - Issue Specific Hearing (ISH1) (continued if required) AM only


Issue Specific Hearing (ISH1)on Environmental Matters(continued if required)AM only

28 February 2024 - Deadline 1


Deadline 1

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

  • Comments on any updates to application documents submitted by the Applicant before or at the PM
  • Written Representations (WRs) including summaries if exceeding 1500 words
  • Local Impact Reports
  • Comments on the Applicant’s draft Statement of Commonality of Statements of Common Ground
  • Responses to ExA’s request for statement on the new National Policy Statement for Energy
  • Notification by Statutory Parties of their wish to be considered as an IP by the ExA
  • Requests from Affected Persons to be heard at any subsequent Compulsory Acquisition Hearing(CAH). Requests by Affected Persons (defined in section 59(4) of the Planning Act 2008) to be heard at a CAH
  • Requests from Interested Parties to be heard at any subsequent Open Floor Hearing (OFH)
  • Post-hearing submissions including written submissions of oral cases
  • Notification of wish to have future correspondence received electronically
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/submissions accepted by the ExA
  • Summaries of all RRs exceeding 1500 words (if not provided at the Pre-Examination
  • Responses to RRs (if not provided at the Pre-Examination Procedural Deadline)

20 March 2024 - Deadline 2


Deadline 2

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

  • Responses to WRs
  • Responses to LIRs
  • Responses to any written questions arising from OFH1 and/or ISH1 (if required)
  • Comments on any further information/submissions received by Deadline 1
  • Applicant’s Mid-examination Progress Tracker
  • Applicants National Policy Statement Tracker
  • Applicant’s first update to the draft DCO
  • Applicant’s first update to the Land Rights Tracker
  • Applicant’s first update to the Guide to the Application
  • Applicant’s first update to the Statements of Commonality of Statements of Common Ground
  • Applicant’s draft itinerary for the ASI (if required)
  • Any other updated documents and statements from the Applicant deemed necessary following its responses at Deadline 1
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning(Examination Procedure) Rules 2010

3 April 2024 - Publication of


Publication of:

  • Written Questions (ExQ1)

25 April 2024 - Deadline 3


Deadline 3

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

  • Responses to Written Questions (ExQ1)
  • Comments on the Applicant’s first update to the draft DCO
  • Comments on the Applicant’s first update to the Land Rights Tracker
  • Comments on the first update to the Statements of Commonality of Statements of Common Ground
  • Comments on the Applicant’s draft itinerary for the ASI (if required)
  • Notification of wish to attend an Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI) (if required)
  • Draft s106 Heads of Terms (if required)
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning(Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/submissions received by Deadline 2

13 May 2024 - Open Floor Hearing 2 (OFH2) (if required)


Open Floor Hearing 2 (OFH2) (if required)

14 May 2024 - Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI)


Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI)

15 May 2024 - Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2)


Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2)

16 May 2024 - Issue Specific Hearing (ISH2) (continued if required)


Issue Specific Hearing (ISH2) (continued if required)

17 May 2024 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) ( if required) AM only


Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) (if required) AM only

21 May 2024 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) (Continued if required)


Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) (Continued if required)

3 June 2024 - Deadine 4


Deadline 4

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

  • Post-hearing submissions including written submissions of oral cases (if required)
  • Applicant’s Mid-examination Progress Tracker
  • Applicant’s second update to the draft DCO
  • Applicant’s second update to the Land Rights Tracker
  • Applicant’s second update to the Guide to the Application
  • Applicant’s second update to the Statements of Commonality of Statements of Common Ground
  • Draft s106 Agreement(s) (if required)
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning(Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/submissions received by Deadline 3

18 June 2024 - Publication by the ExA of


Publication by the ExA of:

  • Further Written Questions (ExQ2) (if required)
  • Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES)
  • ExA’s commentary on, or schedule of changes to, the draft DCO (if required)