Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Anthony Beach

Date submitted
20 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live in Felpham, a coastal village, adjacent to the town of Bognor Regis. We have clear sea views but can see the turbines of Rampion 1 in the distance. I object to the proposed works for the following reasons:- 1.Many of the new turbines will be the height of the Eiffel tower (and 14 metres higher than 'The Shard' in London) in close proximity to the West Sussex coastline. This will be an appalling blight on our natural seascape and would be a deterrent to many who would otherwise holiday here. 2.I understand,from the Consultation documents, that that at the end of the licence period of 20 years, they will have to be removed. In the event of the liquidation of RWE, these may well be left as rusting hulks without any party being obliged to remove them. It has been suggested that a Guarantee Bond will be in place to meet this obligation. However, in my experience as a retired Surety Bond Broker, a Bond of 20 years duration, from Commerce, is highly unlikely to be available. 3.The residents of Worthing were troubled by noise during the construction of Rampion 1. Being a coastal community, we will also be affected. But what is more concerning is the acoustic noise of these massive turbines following completion and during operation. Noise during the day and more concerning at night, will be totally unacceptable; once built, no remedy is likely and we shall have to endure this noise. For these reasons, consent to build Rampion 2 should be declined.