Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Ian Redman

Date submitted
21 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am opposed to thee proposals. I don’t feel the Cowfold community have been properly consulted I feel Rampion's replies have been misleading in areas such as traffic, nature, effects on local businesses/economy/life I am (REDACTED). The village is polluted enough already and this will make it worse. I don't think enough work has been done on the potential the A272-congestion, traffic lights, delays, accidents, access for emergency services, pollution on A272 and in the village (Cowfold is an Air Quality Management Area and therefore of concern). The volume of traffic going through the village to get to the cable route will undoubtedly produce congestion, pollution There are around 130 businesses in Cowfold. How will they be affected if the roads are congested? Especially those at Oakendene where there will be a large compound for HGVs and storage. Will they survive? What about the effect on the wider economy of the county of delays on the A272. As a keen bird watcher I am concerned about the loss of habitats and wildlife at Oakendene and along the Cowfold stream, especially the significant nightingale breeding sites and the impact of the noise and light pollution on the species around the lake. The wildlife corridors from the A281 to A272 which will be disrupted by the cable route and substation construction. I wish to strongly object to this proposed carnage that will affect my home village for the next several years if planning is approved for the Rampion project. It is obvious that no proper analysis of the area has been carried out by the applicant, especially with regard to the ecological impact. There will also be a marked increase in traffic pollution. [REDACTED] and Cowfold is already one of the most polluted villages in Sussex due to the volume of current traffic especially at rush hours. Our parish council seems to have ignored the initial approach by Rampion with little or no public knowledge of the proposals in the initial stages. This is wrong and must be addressed before a catastrophic decision to proceed is made. In case you are unaware there is also a proposal for a mammoth solar farm to the west of Cowfold, which, if successful would be constructed at the same time as the Rampion project if that is given the go ahead. This would effectively cut off the village from the outside world and have an adverse affect on many local businesses. This hare-brained scheme must be reconsidered, and relocated to a more suitable area. I also understand that the current Rampion installation doesn't produce nearly as much power as originally stated due to the lack of wind in the Channel. What good would it be to increase the size of the offshore wind farm if that is to run at nowhere near capacity either. Far better to locate it in the North Sea. Reject this NOW.