Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Shuna Le Moine

Date submitted
21 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Rampion have constantly misrepresented the development. Firstly, they claim that this is ‘an extension’ of Rampion 1 when it is actually an entirely separate and considerably larger development with a completely new damaging pipeline to be cut through our South Downs. They claim to have have “reduced by nearly half, that the maximum number of turbines were decreased from 116 to 90” My maths was never much good but half of 116 is surely 58? They claim that, “combined with Rampion 1, they would be able to power all of the homes in Sussex twice over” - Well, perhaps, if the wind blowed sufficiently all day, every day, this might be achieved, but we know that this is NOT the case at all as it evidently does not. Also, although they have indeed reduced the number, the size of many of the turbines has more than doubled. Twice as visible! It would be far to large a development far too close to the shore “ a minimum of 8 miles from the shore” Government guidelines, I understood, recommend that turbines should be “far out in the deepest waters” yet these monsters would be on our doorstep; well in view nearly all of the time. And it would spread across almost the entire horizon creating an industrial vista. And yet there have been NO VISUALS prepared to illustrate to us the enormity of the development, despite persistent requests. It is in a location with low wind so would need constant back up from other energy sources. The south coast is where people come to holiday, to retire, to convalesce. The serene vista across the waters ( if you turn your gaze away from Rampion 1) is currently a beautiful, calming and restoring natural scene. The idea of plonking these mega man-made structures all across the skyline is nauseating. An ugly obliteration of nature. And to what end? So that some big business can claim loads of British tax payers money in subsidies to produce an unreliable amount of energy?