Back to list Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Richard Morris

Date submitted
21 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose the Rampion proposed project. We have not been consulted properly about this significant project and I and other residents are concerned about: - Traffic on the A272-congestion, traffic lights, delays, accidents, access for emergency services, pollution on A272 and in the village (Cowfold is an Air Quality Management Area and therefore of concern) - Visual impacts from A272 at the substation entrance and the huge western compound near the industrial estate - Health effects-noise, light pollution, dust, traffic fumes, electromagnetic fields (substation and high voltage cable to Bolney) - Traffic going through the village to get to the cable route-congestion, pollution - Traffic in the tiny lanes such as Kent Street, Picts Lane, Dragons Lane - The loss of habitats and wildlife at Oakendene and along the Cowfold stream, especially the significant nightingale breeding sites and the impact of the noise and light pollution on the species around the lake. The wildlife corridors from the A281 to A272 which will be disrupted by the cable route and substation construction. - Kent Street is a single track road used by horses and farm traffic as well as by the few local people who live here - please completely cut off Kent Street for all road access from the A272 during any construction period if it takes place. The Rampion project should financially compensate all residents in Kent Street for the inconvenience and cost of its works if they go ahead, including increased fuel costs and any loss in house prices. With regret, please can I complain that the quiet single track road of [REDACTED] is not being protected from overly excessive road traffic when the nearby A272 is closed for whatever reason, normally a serious road accident as happened for over two days last week. Kent Street should be access only for residents and local traffic at all times. Please see a recent press article which gives a view on the matter: [REDACTED] I have lived in [REDACTED] for 21 years, I am a West Sussex resident and Council Tax payer and my house front door is three feet from the road and this madness. It's incredibly dangerous for residents, children, animals, horse riders, cyclists and walkers in this country area. What is more, the two meter wide road cannot take two way traffic and the verges are deeply destroyed in many places. I and other residents are deeply concerned about the effect of road traffic from construction vehicles for six years or more if the Rampion battery farm planning application is approved. This is another reason to shut off [REDACTED] to all but local traffic. Please do something before someone is injured or worse in Kent Street. Please help us protect our quiet, rural way of life.